Great Plains Network Dramatically Increases Network Capacity

The Great Plains Network (GPN), a consortium of 23 universities in a seven state region (Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota) has announced that it is increasing network capacity from two, 10 gigabit per second (Gbps) Internet2 connections to two, 100 Gbps Internet2 connections in Tulsa and in Kansas City. This increase allows GPN to be one of the first research and education networks in the nation to substantially improve the ability of researchers to move data across the United States and across the world via the Internet2 100G Network.

“This upgrade to the Internet2 Network-the fastest research and education network in the nation-will greatly benefit our 23 campuses,” said Bill Mitchell, executive director of GPN. “This technology combined with our collaborative efforts will advance research, education and innovation to benefit faculty, staff and students.”

In addition to significantly increasing bandwidth for all GPN member universities, this plan provides for long-term stability of the GPN regional network by leveraging existing partnerships on behalf of the entire, regional research and education community. It also opens up new opportunities for networking collaboration in two major networking hubs, Tulsa and Kansas City, and promises to help the region grow economically.

“The 100G connection to the Internet2 Network will provide these Midwest campuses greater access to other global research and experts who are working on the latest innovation in cancer research, astronomy, energy and other life sciences,” said Rob Vietzke, vice president of network services, Internet2. “GPNs upgrade not only benefits these Midwest campuses but also other campuses who want to share information with these universities.”

OneNet, the state research and education network in Oklahoma, has been operating a 100 Gbps Internet2 Innovation Platform advanced layer 2 connection in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  GPN will take over the Tulsa connection on July 1, upgrading it to both layer 2 and layer 3 networking.  A memorandum of understanding between GPN and OneNet provides for continued management of the Tulsa connection by OneNet on behalf of the GPN community. 

The Great Plains Network is a consortium of universities in the Midwest, partnering to connect its members to the National Research & Education infrastructure, including Internet2, and to facilitate the use of advanced cyber infrastructure across the network.