Brazilian federal universities choose Bull supercomputers

Bull announced that the Brazilian government has acquired two supercomputers for the federal universities, to form part of the National System of High-Performance Processing (Sinapad), encompassing eight supercomputers across Brazil. Bull's supercomputers - delivering some 6.1 teraflops of power, representing 6 thousand billion operations per second - will be deployed at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) and Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFCE) towards the end of 2007. The main areas of scientific research involved are:
  • Simulations of petroleum reservoirs
  • Computational chemistry projects
  • Oceanographic research
  • Water resources and simulations of the impact of rain on rivers
  • Visualization projects
  • Studies on semi-arid climates
  • Biology and genome projects.

Each cluster represents 72 Bull NovaScale servers running under Linux. Each server is equipped with two Intel Xeon quad-core processors (making a total of 576 processing cores), and has a storage capacity of 45 terabytes as well as 1 terabyte RAM. "We are very proud to have been selected by the Brazilian federal universities. This deal confirms that Bull, which delivered the most powerful system in Europe, is also able to deliver the best high-performance solutions around the world, from Asia to South America," commented Alberto Araùjo, President of Bull Brazil.