Daniel Sabbah keynote and Grid Futures panel announced

GlobusWORLD 2004 advance registration ends on January 2, so not many working days remain for you to sign up at a discount for the premier Grid computing conference, which will be held January 20-23. Go to http://www.globusworld.org to register, and be sure to reserve a hotel room at the Westin St. Francis while reduced rates apply before December 20. Just added! Dr. Daniel Sabbah, IBM Vice President of Software Development, Strategy and Architecture, will be a featured keynote speaker at GlobusWORLD 2004. To learn more about Dr. Sabbah and the other prominent keynotes, see the latest program pages at http://www.globusworld.org//program/program.asp. Among the new program details are participants in the Grid Futures panel. Panelists will include Rick Stevens of Argonne National Laboratory, Carl Kesselman of the Globus Alliance and the USC Information Sciences Institute, Rachel Chalmers of the 451.com, Bob Cohen of Electronic Strategy Institute, Chalon Mullins of Charles Schwab, and Chris O'Neal of Supercomputing Online. Among the topics to be discussed are Cohen's recent report on the projected economic impacts of North Carolina's decision to invest significantly in Grid infrastructure. The report at http://www.econstrat.org/Grid_Report_Oct-28-03.pdf estimates that $10 billion in business development will ensue in the state.