Workshop: Oceanography, Hydraulics and Computational Statistics

i-MATH CESGA Node organizes the WorkshopSimulation of ocean currents in O Barqueiro

Population dynamics of hake in the Galician coast, environmental management techniques in coastal areas, and movement of the tides are being studied from a mathematical and computational viewpoint, in the "Oceanography and Hydraulics Workshop Computational Statistics."

It will take place on Friday, November 27 at the Faculty of Mathematics University of Santiago de Compostela. Registration is open until on November 24.

At this time, research groups will meet that study different disciplines, a sector of great interest environmental, social and economic Galician level. Many of the models and studies in the community Galician reached great international recognition.

It will be a meeting point for the scientific community involved in these fields of knowledge, since the wide variety of topics multidisciplinary to be levied under the title of the day planned, not always know the scientific contributions and codes developed from these different groups.

It will cover topics such as studying the "Different optimization techniques environmental management in coastal zones," or "Dynamic models for evaluation the state of exploited fish populations: A case study of hake in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula." And that is the study of oceanography and Hydraulics Computational Statistics and covers areas that allow its application to oil spills, offshore aquaculture, or the representation oceanographic and hydraulic phenomena, to name a few. The new techniques and increased computational power available to these groups, is achieving good results in the study, but that is why it is more important the sharing of knowledge.

Researchers participate in the Workshop of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo and Coruña) and the Institute of Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, and researchers from multidisciplinary academic field related to Oceanography and Computational Hydraulics, as well as statistical methods and models oriented oceanographic data and water. It also provided technical participation of institutes related to public gathering and processing of marine data. Issues related to:
• Mathematical models to simulate problems of oceanography and hydraulics (2DY 3D).
• Benefits of codes developed by the research groups to numerical models and compared with codes commercial validation procedure codes.
• Statistical models for the representation of oceanographic phenomena and hydraulic low observable error.
• Statistical treatment of data obtained from observation campaigns experimental.

10.00 Opening of the Workshop
10:30 Dynamic models for the assessment of exploited fish populations:
Case study of hake along the Atlantic seaboard of the Iberian Peninsula
Carmen Fernandez, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo
11:20 Variability of circulation on the N and NW Iberian shelf and slope: model vs.
Manuel Ruiz, Instituto Oceanográfico de A Coruña
12:10 Coffee-break
12:30 Different optimization techniques for environmental management in coastal areas
Miguel Ernesto Vázquez Méndez, Computational Hydraulics Group, University of
Santiago de Compostela and Universidad de Vigo
13:20 EDDYING code, 2D model of turbulent flow in rivers, canals and estuaries
Luis Cea, University of Coruña and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
14:10 Lunch-break
16:20 Numerical Methods for studying biogeochemical role of ocean turbulence
Beatriz Mouriño ECIMAT, University of Vigo
17:10 Analysis of stochastic spatial dependency and spatial: methods and
Jorge Mateu, MODESMAN, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
17:50 Panel: "Present and future in Oceanography and Hydraulics"
Jerónimo Puertas, Water Engineering Group and the Environment, University of A Coruña
Miguel Gil Coto, Department of Oceanography, Inst de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC, Vigo
Pedro Montero, INTECMAR, Conllería do Mar, Xunta de Galicia
19:00 Closing of Workshop
More information:
Alvarez Jacobo's Claw
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Faculty of Economics and Empresariais
Tel: (+34) 986 812 492
Maria Elena Vazquez Cendón
Department of Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Matemáticas.USC
Tel: (+34) 981 563 100
Workshop: Oceanography and Hydraulics Statistics and Computational
Organiza: NODE CESGA i-MATH.
Date: Friday, 27 November
Venue: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Registration: Registration is open until November 24.

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