Darkstrand Appoints David Wilhelm to Advisory Board to Support Darkstrand’s Role in National Innovation


Industry Veteran Provides Critical Expertise, Connecting Government and Corporations with High-speed Networking and Supercomputing Technology


Today Darkstrand announced the addition of David Wilhelm to Darkstrand’s Board of Advisors.

Wilhelm is an American political leader and businessman. He is best known for managing campaigns for President Bill Clinton, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Joe Biden, and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and for his leadership as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Wilhelm’s career also includes a successful track record in bringing needed capital to support entrepreneurial innovation in the nation’s heartland. He is founder and president of Woodland Venture Management, and Founder and partner with Adena Ventures and Hopewell Ventures. This unusual combination of political knowledge and entrepreneurial acumen uniquely positions Wilhelm to help Darkstrand improve the country’s innovation infrastructure through high performance computing and high-speed connectivity. His advisory role will help fast forward national competitiveness through his understanding of public-private partnerships and the commercialization of university R&D.

“Through Darkstrand, with Wilhelm’s guidance, America’s civil and commercial innovation can be aggressively accelerated. We are enabling massive production data to seamlessly travel between geographic locations on Darkstrand’s network, allowing innovations to quickly transform from prototype to new product, and move into the marketplace,” said Michael Stein, CEO of Darkstrand. “Wilhelm’s advisory role will enable us to fast track this important work for our country.”

“Our country’s ability to innovate demands the kind of network infrastructure connected to high performance computing that Darkstrand provides. My role will help the company advance Darkstrand’s efforts to positively impact their national position in social and commercial innovation,” said Wilhelm. “Darkstrand takes the connectivity and innovation resources of leading research institutions and provides them to American businesses. I look forward to working with Darkstrand on this important work.”