Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2006 FREE Wed Oct 4 @ U Oklahoma

FREE Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2006 Wed Oct 4 @ University of Oklahoma, Norman campus, 8:00am-5:30pm. FREE Reception Tue Oct. 3 5:30-7:00pm. Already, they have over 250 registrations, from 37 academic institutions in 10 states, 33 private companies, 17 government agencies and 2 non-governmental organizations. The Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2006 will be held Wed Oct 4 all day on the OU Norman campus, with a reception and poster session the evening of Tue Oct 3, 5:30-7:00pm. FREE registration is open at its Web site! Some of our speaker will include: * Dr. Kathie Olsen, National Science Foundation Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer * Dr. Earl Joseph, IDC Program Vice President for High Performance Computing * Dr. Stephen Wheat, Intel's Director of High Performance Computing * Dr. Miron Livny, inventor of Condor and Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin * Dr. Ed Seidel, Director, Center for Computation & Technology and Floating Point Systems Professor of Physics & Astronomy and Computer Science, Louisiana State University * Dr. Amy Apon, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Arkansas * Dr. Kyran (Kim) Mish, Presidential Professor of Structural Engineering and Director, Fears Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of Oklahoma * Dr. Paul Gray, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Northern Iowa * Dr. Farideh Samadzadeh, Professor of Computer Science, Oklahoma School of Science & Mathematics * Dr. Charlie Peck, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Earlham College * Dr. Daniel Weber, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Analysis & Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma The Symposium is FREE and comes with meals and snacks, including a FREE reception and poster session the evening of Tue Oct 3. Last year's Symposium had 285 attendees (out of over 400 registrations), from 31 colleges and universities in 11 states, 44 private companies, 16 government agencies and 5 non-governmental organizations. We expect at least as many this year -- probably more... and we already have over 250 registered. They're currently looking for people interested in participating, both as attendees and also to present: * breakout talks (30 minutes including questions); * technical briefs (10 minutes including questions); * posters (at the reception Tue Oct 3 5:30-7:00pm). They're looking for talks, briefs and posters in any of a variety of areas of Computational Science & Engineering (including computational research in every field of engineering, physical science, biological science, mathematics, social science and business), High Performance Computing, High Performance Networking, Grid Computing, Data Mining, HPC education and so on. If you're interested, see: its Web site.