RSSI’06 announces call for abstracts

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Ohio Supercomputer Center, and the University of Manchester are co-sponsoring the second Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute (RSSI), to be held July 12-13 at NCSA’s facility on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illlinois. The first RSSI, held in 2005, focused on industry’s view of development environments, compilers, libraries, and tools for high-performance reconfigurable computing (HPRC). This year, RSSI’06 will shift the focus to the HPRC user and programmer’s point of view of these areas and will include algorithms and applications. The HPRC user community is invited to participate in RSSI’06 and to share experiences, insights, and research results related to this emerging technology. HPRC industry representatives also are invited to participate. Abstracts for presentations or posters that describe innovations in the past year, application benchmarks, future research and development, and suggestions for academic collaboration are welcome. Some suggested topics are listed below, but consideration also will be given to other relevant topics. Presentations or posters that target the scientific applications community (e.g., floating point codes; HPRC software development using high-level programming languages; methodologies and tools for HPRC software development that allow the scientist to focus on science instead of programming) will be given the highest consideration. Suggested topics include: 1.0 Algorithms and applications 1.1 Performance results using real applications and data sets 1.2 HPRC algorithm and application considerations 1.3 Case studies 1.4 Other (please specify) 2.0 Development environments 2.1 User experiences with development environments 2.2 Research that indicates potential improvements in the development environments 2.3 Other (please specify) 3.0 Compilers and languages 3.1 Recognizing and mapping common application elements 3.2 Easing the pain of parallel programming 3.3 Other (please specify) 4.0 Libraries 4.1 Which FPGA library elements make sense? 4.2 Library APIs 4.3 Exemplary FPGA libraries 4.4 Other (please specify) 5.0 Tools 5.1 Tools with significant programmer benefit 5.2 Floating point to fixed point analysis and conversion 5.3 Other (please specify) 6.0 Large-scale FPGA systems 6.1 Architectures and applications 6.2 Programming 6.3 Other (please specify) 7.0 Other (please specify) Abstracts must be submitted for review by April 15. Participants will receive notification of acceptance by May 15, with completed presentations and posters due by July 1. Abstract Submission Guidelines Abstracts must be in English, and are limited to one A4 or 8.5x11” page. The page must be single spaced, one side only, and approximately 500 words. The page format must use 12 point Times Roman font with 1 inch margins. All abstracts must include: 1. Title in bold capital letters centered at top of page 2. Topic (including section number from above list) 3. Name of author(s), their affiliation(s), and email address(es) immediately below the title. Include telephone number and mailing address for corresponding author 4. Abstract text 5. Agree to Review Statement ­ (a statement that the abstract may be reviewed by theRSSI’06 evaluation committee for purposes of inclusion in the Institute) 6. Agree to Copyright Transfer Statement ­(a statement that the author(s) agree to allow inclusion of the abstract and presentation in the RSSI’06 institute and publication on the RSSI Web site if the abstract is accepted) Send abstracts by email to in either text or Word .doc format. Each presenter (or group of presenters) will be assigned a 30-minute presentation time on either Wednesday, July 12 or Thursday, July 13, or a space in the poster session during the evening reception on Wednesday, July 12. More details on RSSI’06 will be available closer to the event.