Nagler, Zinkle elected fellows of AAAS

Two researchers at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory--Stephen E. Nagler and Steven J. Zinkle--have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Fellow is the highest honor bestowed by the AAAS, the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science.

Stephen E. Nagler is cited by the society "for outstanding contributions to the study of condensed matter, especially pioneering applications of inelastic neutron scattering to low dimensional quantum materials."

Nagler, a UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow, is internationally known as a leader in the investigation of magnetic excitations and quantum critical behavior in materials. He has made pioneering contributions to the study of nonequilibrium kinetics of phase transitions, quantum fluctuations, spin gap systems and excitations in condensed matter.

The Calgary, Alberta, Canada, native received his bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in physics from the University of Toronto. He served two years as a visiting scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., and joined the physics faculty at the University of Florida in 1984. He came to ORNL in 1995.

In 2006, after serving as leader of the Neutron Spectrometry group and interim director of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Center for Neutron Scattering, he was named chief scientist for ORNL's Neutron Scattering Science Division, the home organization of HFIR and the Spallation Neutron Source.

Nagler is a fellow of the American Physical Society.  He was named ORNL Scientist of the Year in 1998 and, most recently, in 2009 was a member of a team that received an ORNL UT-Battelle Director's Award for outstanding research on novel iron based high temperature superconducting materials.  He serves on numerous national and international committees and is a member of the Editorial Board of Physical Review Letters.

Nagler and his wife, Rosalie, have a son and daughter. They reside in Knoxville.

Steven J.  Zinkle is cited by the society "or outstanding fundamental research on metals and ceramics for fusion and fission energy systems, particularly ionizing and collisional radiation effects mechanisms."

Zinkle, a UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow and director of ORNL's Materials Science and Technology Division, is a materials scientist whose work has focused on physical metallurgy of structural materials and the investigation of radiation's effects on ceramic materials and metallic alloys for fusion and fission reactors and space reactor systems.

Zinkle joined ORNL in 1985 as a Wigner fellow. He earned bachelor's and master's degrees and a doctorate in nuclear engineering, as well as a master's degree in materials science, from the University of Wisconsin. He became leader of the laboratory's Nuclear Materials and Science Technology group in 2001. He was named director of the Materials Science and Technology Division in 2006.

The Wauzeka, Wisc., native is the author or coauthor of more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and currently serves on several national and international committees including the DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee. He is a fellow of the American Ceramic Society, ASM International, and the American Nuclear Society, and a 2007 recipient of DOE's prestigious E. O. Lawrence Award.

He and his wife, Teresa, reside in Knoxville. They have two sons.

Several joint ORNL and University of Tennessee researchers were also announced as AAAS fellows, including UT-ORNL Distinguished Scientist Elbio Dagotto and the Physics Division's Witold Nazarewicz. See the UT release at