Version 2.0 of Advisor Released

Version 2.0 of the NLANR Network Performance Advisor is now available for download at . The Advisor is designed to help non-expert end users of high-performance networks to use their networks more efficiently. It is a single application, written in Java, that integrates measurement, analysis, and display of network performance statistics. Once a user has downloaded, unpacked, and loaded The Advisor on any machine, it goes to work; it can run various network tests to anyone else’s machine and can provide a performance evaluation of that network, operating heterogeneously. Enhancements to this version of The Advisor include the capability for users to test their network connections to the endpoints they care about, to check performance, and to receive advice on improving their network performance. The Advisor has been developed by the NLANR Distributed Application Support Team (NLANR-DAST), which is based at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At NCSA, Tanya Lattner is The Advisor project lead. Jim Ferguson is the senior technical program manager and the co-principal investigator of NLANR/DAST, and John Towns is the NLANR-DAST principal investigator. For more information on The Advisor and NLANR/DAST, go to . NLANR (the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research) is funded by the National Science Foundation. Its goal is to provide technical, engineering, and traffic analysis support to high-performance connections sites and high-performance network service providers. In addition to NCSA, other NLANR partners are the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the San Diego Supercomputer Center. For more information, go to