New Version of ANTs Data Server Offers Rapid DBMS Application Conversion

ANTs software, a developer of high-performance SQL database management systems, today revealed the newest release of its flagship relational database management system, the ANTs Data Server version 3.0, with new features that can significantly reduce application porting effort and provide important enterprise-ready capabilities such as replication and remote management, all while providing up to 15 times the speed of conventional relational databases. Being first in the industry to support both Sybase/Microsoft (Transact-SQL) and Oracle (PL/SQL) languages for stored procedures and triggers, ANTs Data Server 3.0 can reduce application porting effort from months to weeks. To emphasize how easy it is to port applications to the ANTs Data Server 3.0 (ADS 3.0), ANTs software will port any customer's existing Oracle, Sybase or Microsoft database application within two weeks and at no charge. After the customer supplies the existing application code, database schema and a sample data set for testing purposes, ANTs software's database professionals will work with the customer to port the application to ADS 3.0, and will have a proof of conversion running on the ANTs software test bed within two weeks. "With the release of ADS 3.0, we have gone where no other database vendor has gone before by offering the first high-performance RDBMS that truly eases the transition from proprietary stored procedure languages, and we're willing to back it up with an unprecedented offer," said Boyd Pearce, ANTs software president and chief executive officer. "We have great confidence in our ability to port easily and in the enterprise readiness of the ANTs Data Server, and we are putting our reputation on the line to prove it." "We are currently evaluating ANTs Data Server as a possible enhancement to our trading platform," said Eric Gottesman, manager of application development with Jefferies Execution Services, the NYSE subsidiary of Jefferies Group, Inc. (NYSE:JEF). "ANTs engineers helped us port the application, which makes extensive use of Transact SQL. The port went surprisingly well and required significantly fewer resources than we expected. ANTs was many times faster out of the box, and we are also excited about replication functionality for disaster recovery purposes." The latest version of the ANTs Data Server includes feature extensions to increase compatibility with both the Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase RDBMSs. ADS 3.0 allows import and export of Microsoft and Sybase tables, and is compatible with Microsoft's Data Translation Services for data interchange. Additionally, the full speed and power of ADS 3.0 can now be exploited with binary large objects (BLOBs) and character large objects (CLOBs), including the ability to index and perform SQL operations. This functionality now allows users to take advantage of the speed and flexibility of ADS 3.0 while managing unstructured data, making it ideal for Web-facing applications. ANTs Data Server 3.0 also adds a range of new features to further improve its enterprise readiness. ADS replication can create multiple "clones" that are updated automatically. In addition to automatic failover, the multiple replicas facilitate deployment of disaster recovery sites, business intelligence applications, reporting and other applications. Additionally, ADS 3.0 has full support for the industry-standard SNMP RDBMS MIB, allowing remote monitoring of database activity. Further, the system now provides a monitoring "dashboard" for tracking important operational statistics. To further ease the task of migration, the ANTs Data Server can provide a dramatic increase in performance and commensurate decrease in user response time during peak workloads when deployed as a helper database to offload performance-critical operations from the database of record. Simply offloading performance-critical operations onto ADS 3.0 can yield a 10X improvement in application performance and 60 to 90 percent savings in database infrastructure costs. SQL and stored procedure support for Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft RDBMSs means this can be accomplished with minimal application changes using the existing database team while providing the replication, disaster recovery and database management features enterprises need. "Its pioneering support for the two most popular proprietary stored procedure languages plus its robust enterprise-ready features puts the ANTs Data Server at the top of the list for any organization seeking greater performance from their current database applications," said William Hurley, a senior analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group Inc. in Milford, Mass. "ANTs continues to transform the database industry, delivering technological innovations and an unprecedented commitment to eliminating the pain of porting database applications."