WebLayers Participates in Government Forum on SOA

WebLayers will lead a panel of Fortune 500 companies during next week's Enterprise Services Forum, sponsored by the DoD CIO Office and AFEI. WebLayers president and CEO Motti Vaknin, who is also the founder of the SOA Forum, an exclusive roundtable of Fortune 500 and Government agencies on the topic of SOA, will moderate the panel, titled "Fortune 500 Experiences with SOA." For this event, Vaknin has assembled a panel of senior IT executives from AT&T, Credit Suisse First Boston, Motorola and Wachovia Corp. who will discuss the experiences of large commercial organizations dealing with SOA implementations. "WebLayers has worked closely with a number of Fortune 500 companies and Government agencies in their move toward SOA," said Vaknin. "We view this event, and the panel we are moderating, as a great opportunity to bring together industry leaders in the space of SOA and provide an in-depth view of the impact that Service Oriented Architecture is having in the commercial world. It is expected to serve as a 'litmus test' for the adoption rate of XML, Web services and Service Oriented Architecture."