Mercury, RADIN To Provide High-End 3D For Web-Based PACS

Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. and RADIN Group GmbH announced the signing of a cooperation agreement to expand RADIN's high-end product line towards RADIN 3D, a new web-based picture archiving communication system (PACS) module. Leveraging advanced high-performance 3D visualization, the new product will greatly improve diagnostic workflow, especially for very large data volumes generated by modern high-resolution multi-slice computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) scanners. The new performance and functionality is intended to enable the practical use of new diagnostic methods, and help radiologists to generate reports more efficiently. "Integrating 3D processing into a web-based PACS system will be key in the near future," said Oliver Lehner, Managing Director of RADIN Group GmbH. "The new high-end RADIN 3D module, based on our cooperation with Mercury, will be impressive proof of our commitment to continuous innovation, and will help to ensure that we remain ahead of our competitors." RADIN 3D will integrate Mercury's embedded, accelerated VisageRT components for advanced volume rendering in the web-based RADIN PACS workflow. As a result, RADIN users will be able to examine their medical image data interactively, using techniques such as multi-planar reformatting, maximum intensity projection, shaded surface display, shaded volume rendering, and flexible cropping and clipping. "Web-based PACS is a key tool to managing medical image data and optimizing clinical workflow," said Marcelo G. Lima, vice president of Life Sciences, Imaging and Visualization Solutions, Mercury Computer Systems. "Combining RADIN's workflow and data management with the power of Mercury's interactive 3D visualization will enable the efficient processing of very large data volumes, and will help to leverage the high resolution and accuracy of new and emerging imaging modalities."