Public Comment Period Begun for OpenMP Specification 2.5

The OpenMP ARB is pleased to announce the release of a draft of Version 2.5 of the OpenMP specifications for public comment. The goal of this version is to combine the Fortran and C/C++ specifications into a single document and to resolve inconsistencies. Sanjiv Shah, CEO of the OpenMP organization, praised the efforts that produced the combined specification. "The OpenMP 2.5 Language committee did an outstanding job. Every word was scrutinized to produce a specification that is precise and self-consistent. This work creates a solid foundation upon which to expand the execution model and expressiveness in future OpenMP specifications." The draft specification is available in PDF format from the Specifications section of the OpenMP ARB website Mark Bull has led the effort to merge the specifications into a single document as the Chair of the OpenMP Language Committee. He states that "Despite the committee's best efforts, there are a small number of outstanding issues which have not been resolved at the time of publication of the draft specification. The committee will continue to work on these, with the aim of clearing them up before the end of the public comment period." The ARB warmly welcomes any comments, corrections and suggestions you have for Version 2.5. Please send email to It is most helpful if you can refer to the page number and line number where appropriate. The public comment period will close on 31 January 2005.