I-Spatial Selects SGI to Deliver Broadband Media Services Across India

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- SGI announced a major win in India in the area of convergence delivery network (CDN) services. I-Spatial Communications Pvt. Ltd. has selected SGI as the prime contractor to set up the television head-end infrastructure for a CDN for about 50,000 subscribers in the first year. This project will roll out in phases, over the next twelve months, beginning with six SGI(R) Origin(R) 300 Origin(TM) servers scheduled to be installed by the end of July 2003, and will eventually cover seven cities in India. -Spatial Communications is a telecom and media solutions company based in Bangalore, India, and in the process of setting up CDN services for the first time. The company intends to provide broadband value-added services like video-on-demand, near video-on-demand, Internet access, and satellite television transmission. Manjunath Jagirdar, managing director of I-Spatial Communications, said, "We selected SGI as the prime contractor because their solution architecture was easily the best. The sheer scalability of their solution, and therefore its ability to grow as the subscriber numbers grow up, is very impressive." He added, "I-Spatial's ability to deliver the value-added broadband services on the existing copper cable infrastructure translates into a significant cost advantage for consumers." Andrew Pedrazzini, chief operating officer of I-Spatial Communications, said, "SGI provides us a proven system that will position I-Spatial as a major player in the Indian broadcast industry, allowing us to bring a range of interactive services and new-to-India content to the viewing public. SGI is a critical component in our strategy to be India's first and largest convergence supplier bringing a range of services to the consumer not imagined a year ago. Our relationships provide us direct access to a subscriber market of over 40 million telephone users, placing us in a unique position to bring this next generation of data and content services to one of the largest markets in the world." "SGI is very pleased to be selected as the prime technology provider that will put I-Spatial Communications at the forefront of convergence delivery network solutions," said Dr. Prasad Medury, managing director, SGI India. "We are delighted to be working with a strong team of allies to prove the business case of broadband distribution of video and e-services to the home in India. We believe that the compelling value proposition from I-Spatial, Kasenna, and SGI will only encourage replication in other markets and regions across India." For the first implementation phase of the project, the solution architecture will be built around six SGI Origin 300 servers with Kasenna(TM) MediaBase XMP for video delivery. Complete responsibility for integration responsibility has been awarded to SGI. I-Spatial does not intend to restrict itself to delivery capabilities over wire line only. Over and above POTS (plain old telephone services), I-Spatial has the technology to adapt to wireless-GSM, CDMA, CDMA 1.x and Wi-Fi. Every service-be it, video/audio conferencing, surveillance services, IP VPN, global roaming Internet access, digital video, or satellite radio-will be available in whatever device the customer chooses.