President Bush Names Dimension Data CEO to Sci/Tech Council of Advisors

RESTON, VA -- Raul Fernandez, CEO of Dimension Data of North America, today was named to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, a group of more than 20 leaders and experts who will help shape policy and the role of technology in the anti-terror campaign. Mr. Fernandez, who founded Proxicom, a leading e-Business consulting firm acquired by Dimension Data (London: DDT) in June, has been active in the technology community along Washington, D.C.'s Dulles corridor for more than a decade. "This is truly a great honor to be named to serve President Bush and the American people," said Mr. Fernandez, who served as a legislative assistant to former Rep. Jack Kemp in the mid-1980s. "I'm thrilled to be able to lend my knowledge and experience to help shape our country's policies on technology in order to realize the opportunities and advantages technology can bring our citizens, our businesses, our economy and our national defense." The council was named during a White House ceremony held in the Roosevelt Room today. Mr. Fernandez joins other appointees including Michael Dell of Dell Computer Corp. and Gordon Moore, chairman emeritus of Intel Corp. At its first meeting, the council discussed broadband policy and research and development priorities, in addition to the role of technology in stopping terrorism and increasing energy efficiency.