TACC Collaborates with Latin American Advanced Computing Centers

AUSTIN, TX -- As a step towards developing an International Affiliates Program, TACC director Dr. Jay Boisseau participated in the Second Latin-American School on Parallelism and High Performance Computing (ELPCAR2) on December 3-7. This conference was sponsored by the Center for Scientific Computation at the Universidad de los Andes (CeCalCULA) located in Mérida, Venezuela and coordinated by Dr. Raul Isea. Speakers came from around the world to make presentations, including academics from the USA, Switzerland, Mexico, Spain, and Argentina. The conference spanned advanced computing topics such as Grid Computing, High Performance Computing, Chemistry & Physics computing initiatives, Computational Biology, and Computational Mathematics. Speakers in the workshop included Dr. Dongarra of the University of Tennessee, Dr. Ben Segal of CERN, and Dr. Hong Zhou of the University of Texas-Houston Medical School. Dr. Boisseau kicked-off the conference with a comprehensive overview of what HPC is today, where it is going, and what the major challenges are. TACC looks forward to further broadening its impact to include other advanced computing centers throughout the world and thanks Dr. Isea and CeCalCULA for the opportunity to take part in this conference. -- Brooke Carlson, TACC This article can also be found at www.tacc.utexas.edu/general/news/cecalula_121001.html