New ANSYS 6.0 Simulation Software Suite Compatible With the Linux Red Hat 7.1 OS

CANONSBURG, PA -- ANSYS(R), Inc. (Nasdaq: ANSS), a global innovator of simulation software and technologies aimed at optimizing the customers' product development process, today announced that the new ANSYS(R) 6.0 simulation software suite is fully compatible with the Linux Red Hat 7.1 Operating System that features the Intel(R) Processor Family (IPF). The Linux OS provides ANSYS 6.0 users with a powerful, flexible and open-architecture platform that can use clustering technology to handle the super-computing loads required for simulation engineering applications. Linux provides ANSYS 6.0 users a reliable cost-effective, multiple-user support tool that provides engineers with a platform to share development efforts early in the process, decreasing the number of design iterations. Because the Linux system updates occur quickly and openly, users do not have to wait for new vendor updates or releases, saving ANSYS 6.0 users time and money. ANSYS 6.0 marks the first formal release for the Linux 32-bit OS. Future updates to ANSYS 6.0 are also expected to support the Linux 64-bit OS. "Our goal is to continuously provide ANSYS customers with state-of-the-art software solutions that are compatible with a variety of operating systems. Linux has quickly become a standard in many engineering environments and can provide ANSYS 6.0 users with the open architecture they need to complete their tasks in a timely and cost-effective manner," stated Michael Wheeler, vice president of marketing for ANSYS, Inc. For further information visit