Terascale Ribbon-Cutting: LeMieux is Off and Running

PITTSBURGH, PA – Yesterday, PSC scientific directors Mike Levine and Ralph Roskies snipped a gold ribbon in the PSC computer room at Westinghouse Energy Center to inaugurate the Terascale Computing System. About 200 people in attendance for the program at WEC watched via webcam broadcast from the computer room and cheered as the ribbon fell signaling the public debut of this newest PSC system, the most powerful in the world dedicated to unclassified research. PSC executive director Beverly Clayton observed that the Terascale is the latest in a line of PSC systems in black and gold colors linking PSC's computational achievements with the legacy of Pittsburgh sports champions. The day's celebratory mood was highlighted by the Terascale's network name — "LeMieux," referring to the Pittsburgh Penquins hockey great whose name in French means "the best." A short program prior to the ribbon-cutting, em-ceed by Clayton, featured remarks from Westinghouse president and CEO Charlie Pryor, University of Pittsburgh chancellor Mark Nordenberg, Carnegie Mellon president Jared Cohen, U.S. Congressman Mike Doyle, Compaq senior vice-president and general manager Howard Elias, Allegheny County chief executive Jim Roddey, National Energy Technology Laboratory deputy director Ralph Carabetta and National Science Foundation acting division director Rich Hirsh.