Crossbeam's X-Series Security Platform Selected by NTT Communications to Support its Data Center Consolidation Initiative

Crossbeam Systems has announced that the Crossbeam X-Series security platform was successfully deployed by NTT Communications (NTT Com) in its data centers. Crossbeam was selected by NTT Com because it can deliver the scalable, high-performance security architecture required to support NTT Com's initiative for the integration and consolidation of its internal information and communication technologies (ICT) infrastructure.

NTT Com is the international and long distance service arm of NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation), one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world (ranked 31st in the 2010 Global Fortune 500 list).

"Reducing the cost and complexity of running our data centers without compromising business and security requirements is a top priority at NTT Com," said Yoshinori Ando, senior manager, Network Grand Design Office, Network Business Division at NTT Com. "Crossbeam met every one of our requirements while also providing the security foundation we need to support a high-performance, cloud computing environment that can keep pace with system changes and the business."

This project involved migrating approximately 50 different systems from five different data centers into one data center in Tokyo. "It was no longer feasible to cost-effectively scale so many decentralized systems to meet growing customer demand. With Crossbeam, we are able to virtually provision multiple security applications from a single chassis and share infrastructure resources, greatly consolidating our ICT infrastructure while keeping operating and management costs down," added Tatsuya Inada, manager, OSS Development Section, Integration Customer Services Dept., Network Business Division at NTT Com.

Since deploying the X-Series in January, NTT Com has been able to cut the number of network security devices by more than half, resulting in a simpler, better performing security infrastructure and a significant reduction in the associated IT management burden and operational and maintenance costs. Today, NTT Com is deploying Check Point's VSX virtualized firewalls on Crossbeam, and has the ability to easily add intrusion prevention/detection and anti-virus software from leading security vendors as their needs evolve.

"We can add the best-of-breed security applications of our choice to the X-Series without adding more appliances or making any additional network upgrades. The flexibility of this approach is unmatched, and strengthens our ability to serve the needs of customers," said Takehiro Uehara, PNW Management section, NW Management Service Dept., IT Management Services Business Division at NTT Com.

Crossbeam worked in conjunction with its partner, UNIADEX, Ltd., a leader in network integration and communications systems in Japan, to evaluate and support NTT Com's network security requirements. The success of the deployment resulted in a feature article in the June edition of Japan's IT business publication, Business Communication magazine.

"Like many of our customers, NTT Com turned to Crossbeam to deliver a security architecture that aligns with their larger IT goals of streamlining data center operations and providing fast, high-quality customer service," said Andy Clark, country manager and representative director, Crossbeam Japan. "We're thrilled that NTT Com is already reaping the benefits of the X-Series, and we'll continue to support their network security needs moving forward."