MoSys' White Paper, "Breaking the 2 Giga Access Barrier: Overcoming Limited I/O Pin Counts," is Available on Light Reading's Website

Who:    Michael Miller, VP of Technology Innovation & Systems Applications at MoSys, as written a white paper entitled, "Breaking the 2 Giga Access Barrier: Overcoming limited I/O Pin Counts," which is now available on Light Reading's website.

What:   The white paper examines what networks and network equipment will require to accommodate Internet traffic's projected growth to 1 Zettabyte (1 trillion Gigabytes) per year. MoSys poses a solution that accelerates access to packet forwarding information,statistical calculations and packet storage.

Where: MoSys' white paper is available on Light Reading's website

The white paper is available through July 31, 2010 on Light Reading's website.