Gubernatorial Candidate Onorato Visits Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Allegheny County Executive and Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dan Onorato visited the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) yestereday morning. He met with PSC scientific directors Michael Levine and Ralph Roskies, was briefed on PSC economic  and educational value to the Commonwealth, and spoke with PSC staff at a press conference in which he highlighted the role of university-centered innovation in economic growth.  

“The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center has played an integral role in Allegheny County’s economy,” said Onorato, who has served as Allegheny County Executive since 2004, “by turning research into jobs and companies that stay in our state and hire Pennsylvania workers.”

PSC scientists briefed Onorato on PSC’s work (with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health) in modeling the spread of H1N1 flu in Allegheny County. They also demonstrated PSC’s dynamic CMIST (Computational Modules in Science Teaching) program that, as Onorato noted, helps to “teach the teachers” in providing tools that inspire science learning in high schools. PSC’s briefing also showcased its collaboration with the National Energy Technology Laboratory in the development of clean coal technology.

Onorato noted that Pennsylvania funding to support research centers such as PSC is a smart investment, in that this funding leverages millions of dollars in federal funds that comes into Pennsylvania. “For Pennsylvania to succeed in the global market,” he added, “we need an economic climate that promotes innovation and encourages partnerships between universities and private companies and creates opportunities for industries to invest in high-growth areas of our economy.”