Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing Introduces New Hardware Track

The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI) announced today that the 2008 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing Conference will include a hardware track for the first time in the history of the conference. The hardware track will feature such diverse topics as “Using Commercial Hardware in Space Computing Platforms” and “Innovating with Chip Multithreading Technologies.” In recognition of the introduction of the hardware track at this year’s conference, the VLSI Group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories is providing scholarships to enable two women students interested in hardware development to attend the conference. The scholarships will cover travel and registration for two women students in the field of computer hardware to attend GHC 2008. The scholarships will be awarded to applicants focusing on hardware development with preferred knowledge in the areas of Multi-core architectures, CAD tool research and Parallel programming. Sun is the first company to provide this type of scholarship for the GHC Women in Computing Conference, underscoring Sun’s promotion and support for computer hardware research. The 2008 GHC Women in Computing Conference will be held October 1-4 at the Keystone Resort in Colorado. The deadline to submit a scholarship application is June 15, 2008. For more information and an application, go to its Web site.