NCCS Sponsors Multiple Workshops

By Scott Jones, National Center for Computational Sciences -- Users Meeting, XT, Lustre all upcoming: This spring the NCCS will host a series of workshops aimed at assisting its users and the wider HPC community. A total of three workshops, held at ORNL, will be hosted in mid-April, beginning with the NCCS Cray XT workshop on April 14, 15, and 16. Staff from the NCCS, ORNL’s Joint Institute for Computational Sciences, Cray, and chipmaker AMD will discuss XT issues, and researchers attending the meeting will participate in hands-on sessions with the Cray XT system. Computational scientists will gather with vendors and staff experts at ORNL to discuss strategies for making the most of their time on Cray XT supercomputers. On April 16 the NCCS will host a Lustre workshop, focused on helping application scientists get the most from the Lustre File System. The workshop will be presented by Oleg Drokin and Wang Di, two file system engineers with Sun Microsystems and both seasoned Lustre developers. Closing out the workshop series will be the NCCS Users Meeting on April 17 and 18. Principal investigators and members of their research teams will gather with NCCS staff and vendors to discuss challenges and solutions in areas such as porting and scaling of applications on the XT system. Each project new to the Department of Energy’s Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program will be invited to give a 10-minute presentation on its upcoming work, while renewing projects will review their work at an evening poster session. NCCS staff will also give presentations highlighting the complete range of resources, capabilities, and services available to the center’s users. Register Here.