Woven's Ethernet Fabric accelerates message delivery during market data test

Results prove Woven’s Ethernet Fabric delivers consistent, predictable performance during peak load conditions: Woven Systems today announced that its TRX 100 Ethernet Switch and EFX 1000 10 Gigabit Ethernet Fabric Switch provided the scalable, ultra-low latency network infrastructure enabling the world’s first large scale market data messaging test of over 10 million messages per second. The benchmarks, which were performed at the AMD Developer Center in Sunnyvale, Calif., included the Tervela TMX Message Switch which intelligently routed market data to over 1500 subscribers. Test results demonstrated performance that was millions of messages-per-second higher than previous solutions and a mean roundtrip message latency of just 58 microseconds through the message switching infrastructure. The jitter performance for the combined Woven-Tervela solution was less than 25 microseconds which translates to much more consistent delivery of market data messages as traffic loads increase. Market data message networks process and deliver up-to-the-millisecond financial information from data feeds to thousands of subscribers to facilitate market trades. Rapid processing and multicasting of market information from publishers to thousands of subscribers requires extremely low latency to facilitate profitable market transactions. Even more important is consistent, predictable performance as information volume varies throughout the trading day. Market opening and closing times typically drive huge spikes in information volume where predictable network throughput and latency as well as reliable data delivery is needed the most. “As global markets become increasingly integrated, the volume of information to process and broadcast requires ever-increasing server and network resources,” said Dave Passmore, research director with Burton Group. “Compute clusters supporting market data applications have now reached teraflop proportions. This is certainly one of the key drivers of 10 Gigabit Ethernet Fabrics that must be able to deliver ultra-low latency and very predictable performance, especially under peak loads.” The Woven Ethernet Fabric employed in the testing connected to 130 dual socket, dual-core AMD Opteron processor-based servers—a total of 576 CPU cores with the ability to process up to 3,225 billion floating-point operations per second (gigaFLOPS). Forty servers were connected to each of four Woven TRX 100 server aggregation switches with 10 Gigabit Ethernet uplinks to an EFX 1000 Ethernet Fabric Switch to create a non-blocking fabric. “Delivering market data as quickly and reliably as possible is what gives our financial services customers a competitive edge," said Barry Thompson, founder and CTO of Tervela. “The Woven switch infrastructure used during the landmark AMD test not only enabled us to scale the benchmark, but allowed us to truly measure the performance of the message network without having to worry about the underlying Ethernet infrastructure.” Ultra-low latency cut-through switching combined with Woven’s patented Active Congestion Management algorithms provide the critical features that enable the Ethernet Fabric Switch to handle volatile market data traffic patterns with consistent throughput. Market data applications typically rely on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which is often employed for time-sensitive data transmission. However, UDP offers no provision for re-transmission of dropped data. Woven’s Active Congestion Management feature continuously monitors network congestion and dynamically re-routes traffic to less busy paths in the fabric to prevent data loss. The use of industry-standard Ethernet also affords the opportunity to easily integrate and consolidate market data applications with the data center’s storage and system backbone networks, resulting in additional cost savings. The EFX 1000 Ethernet Fabric Switch is Woven’s flagship offering for compute cluster interconnects in financial services markets as well as for large-scale enterprise and Internet data centers. A single EFX 1000 switch, configurable with up to 144 10 Gbps Ethernet ports, delivers lossless throughput with a maximum port-to-port latency of 1.5 microseconds. Multiple switches can be deployed in a resilient, multi-path Ethernet Fabric supporting up to 4000 non-blocking edge ports. In such multi-switch configurations, the combination of latency-minimizing Active Congestion Management and cut-through switching results in just 4 microseconds between any two pairs of edge ports.