Interactive Supercomputing Strengthens Its Board of Directors

HPC Luminary Bill Camp to Help Take ISC to the Next Level: Interactive Supercomputing Inc. (ISC) added Intel's High Performance Computing CTO, Bill Camp, to its board of directors. Camp will join the board to help transition ISC from its hot startup phase to an established, mature market leader in high performance computing software. ISC develops Star-P, a software platform that delivers interactive parallel computing power to the desktop. Star-P enables faster prototyping and problem solving across a range of security, intelligence, manufacturing, energy, biomedical, financial, and scientific research applications. Camp currently leads Intel's work in supercomputing as CTO of high performance computing. Previously, he was director of computation, computers, information and mathematics at Sandia National Laboratories, where he worked on massively parallel processing and founded the Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory in 1992. Camp also headed Cray Research's Applications Technologies business and served on the design team for the T3E and follow-on scalable vector computers. At Intel, he is concentrating on many-core processor and system level architectures for the path from peta-scale to exa-scale computing. Camp received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Manhattan College and completed a Ph.D. in mathematical and computational physics at Cornell University. "I am excited to join Bill Blake's team on the board of directors of Interactive Supercomputing," said Camp. "In the past, parallel computing has largely been the reserve of expert researchers at national laboratories, universities and a few software houses. Today with the advent of multi-core and future many-core processors, parallel computing becomes the concern of all who develop and use software -- even on workstations and personal computers. ISC's Star-P is a breakthrough in parallel computing and will be a critical force in moving us beyond a priesthood of parallel processing experts to the broad community of developers and users through easy-to-use and efficient parallel programming and development tools."