Nallatech launches early access program for FSB-FPGA module

The FSB-FPGA Module Accelerates Performance of Demanding Applications, Reducing Compute Time and Power Consumption for Intel Xeon-based servers: Nallatech, the domain expert in high-performance FPGA computing solutions, today announced at the Intel Developer Forum the launch of the early access program for its ‘Slipstream’ FSB-FPGA module. Shipments of this innovative product will be made in 4Q07. This high performance computing solution will supply high speed direct access to the Intel Xeon 7300 multi-processor server allowing users to significantly accelerate the performance of computationally intensive algorithms whilst reducing latency. This early access solution features the latest 65nm Virtex-5 FPGA technology from Xilinx allowing users to integrate the module directly into the sockets of the new Intel Xeon 7300 MP series based server. The Nallatech Slipstream FSB-FPGA module conforms to the mechanical and electrical specifications of the Xeon CPU socket – utilizing existing power supply and heat sink solutions. The Slipstream module takes advantage of the low latency and high bandwidth made available by its direct interface to the 64-bit FSB running at 1066MHz, providing users with a powerful solution for addressing the most demanding computing problems. “Nallatech has been working closely with its partners to develop a complete solution to allow users to gain maximum benefits provided by the combination of the Slipstream FSB-FPGA module and the Intel server,” said Craig Anderson, CEO of Nallatech. “Our work with customers to date has shown performance improvements of more than 200x and a reduction in power of up to 10x when compared with processor technology.” "The Early Access Program from Nallatech for our Intel Xeon 7300 Series based servers has the potential to tremendously benefit our customers exploring tightly coupled FSB-FPGA acceleration" said Lorie Wigle, Director, Server Software and Technology Initiatives, Digital Enterprise Group, Intel Corporation. "The combination of Intel QuickAssist Technology Accelerator Abstraction Layer, software tools, and the Slipstream FSB-FPGA Modules is expected to provide an advanced platform for innovation." “The Nallatech early access program is evidence that server deployed FPGA accelerated computing is becoming a reality,” said Ivo Bolsens, CTO at Xilinx. “The high-performance capabilities of our Virtex-5 FPGA family enable partners like Nallatech to meet the urgent need within the server market for algorithmic acceleration solutions.” Nallatech is working with industry leading C to FPGA compiler partners Mitrionics and Impulse to develop and support application specific third party enabling tool flows for the Slipstream FSB-FPGA hardware. The Nallatech Slipstream development platform is available to early access customers. To find out more please visit its Web site. The Slipstream FSB-FPGA solution is being showcased at booth #732 at the Intel Developer Forum today in San Francisco, California.