Raining Data Announces Landmark Healthcare Chose Its Pick Data Provider for .NET

Landmark Healthcare, an established healthcare industry organization specializing in the development and delivery of management programs for musculoskeletal disorders and rehabilitation services, has selected Raining Data's Pick Data Provider for .NET to access existing IBM UniVerse database records in real-time and to provide access to up-to-date member and healthcare plan information for viewing on any client device when needed. The combination of Pick Data Provider for .NET and Microsoft technologies provides Landmark Healthcare performance improvements in real-time integration with existing processes and also expands the reach of its application by providing Internet and intranet capabilities. According to Ron Gardner, Information Technology Director for Landmark Healthcare, "Raining Data's software provides a mapping of information between older legacy systems and current day technologies. Together with the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET 2003, the Pick Data Provider presents new opportunities for data access where none previously existed. We are now able to create custom applications for both in-house use and for our clients. We envision this will have a significant impact on the services we offer our customers and members." "Microsoft is pleased that Raining Data and Landmark Healthcare chose Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework to build a robust and productive solution," said David Lazar, Director in the Developer and Platform Evangelism Division at Microsoft Corp. "With the help of Raining Data, Landmark Healthcare was able to ultimately improve its business processes." "Landmark is committed to building upon its legacy in healthcare management and to improving the productivity of our client's employees. It is especially gratifying to work with Raining Data as their technology literally builds bridges from our legacy systems to the best in current technology," said Joseph Klinger, Chief Executive Officer at Landmark Healthcare. "Landmark Healthcare's call for data integration and improved data accessibility is representative of the ongoing challenge faced by many organizations today with an urgent need to leverage their information assets," said Mario Barrenechea, SVP of Sales and Marketing for Raining Data. "The combination of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, the .NET Framework and Raining Data's Pick Data Provider for .NET delivers an enterprise-class solution for building and deploying service oriented applications where real-time data accessibility and integration to legacy applications are critical," added Barrenechea.