ISC’07 Announces Scientific Day Schedule and Award Winning Papers

Sixteen scientific papers from research teams in Europe, Asia and the U.S. will be discussed at Scientific Day, a new conference feature at the 2007 International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’07). Scientific Day, to be held on Tuesday, June 26, will bring together scientists and engineers to present and discuss issues, trends and results that are poised to shape the future of high performance computing and networking. It is one of several new features of ISC ’07 designed to enhance the conference experience. ISC ’07, Europe’s premier high performance computing event, will take place June 26 – 29 at the Congress Center in Dresden under the theme “Exploring the Frontiers of Supercomputing.” All conference events are conducted in English. “Many high-quality papers were submitted for the Scientific Day sessions, and those we have selected to be presented cover a broad range of topics, from performance and scalability issues to high resolution simulation and the use of computational grids,” said Conference Chair Prof. Hans Werner Meuer of the University of Mannheim. “We look forward to some great presentations and stimulating discussion.” Two of the 16 Scientific Day papers were selected as ISC award winners. Authors of the winning papers will receive round-trip transportation to the conference and complimentary registration. The winners also will receive prizes, sponsored by Microsoft, worth 5.000 EUR each. The award winning papers are:
  • An Evaluation of the Impacts of Network Bandwidth and Dual-Core Processors on Scalability, Ron Brightwell, Keith D. Underwood, and Courtenay Vaughan, Sandia National Laboratories, USA. This paper will look at the impact of the recent upgrade of Sandia’s Cray Red Storm system on the performance of several applications and micro-benchmarks. Red Storm’s single-core, 2 GHz AMD Opteron processors were replaced with dual-core, 2.4 GHz AMD Opterons and the network interface hardware was upgraded from a sustained rate of 1.1 GB/s to 2 GB/s. The authors will show scaling results for applications out to thousands of processors and include an analysis of the impact of using dual-core processors on the system.
  • A Language Design for Non-Interruptible Multithreading Environment Fuce, Satoshi Amamiya, Ryuzo Hasegawa, Hiroshi Fujita, Miyuki Koshimura, Ryo Hirana, and Makoto Amamiya, Kyushu University, Japan. This paper will examine the development of a multithread architecture and OS called Fuce, which is designed to directly support parallel execution. It will describe the language design and some parallel programming techniques needed to implement the Fuce OS. Experimental results obtained by the Fuce clock-level software simulator also will be discussed.

For more on the ISC ’07 award winning papers and for a Scientific Day schedule that includes abstracts of all 16 papers, see Online Advance registration for ISC ’07 is open through May 26. A registration form is available at