LBNL, Vendors Convene to Discuss Grid Computing and 'Going Green'

On May 16, energy efficiency expert Dale Sartor of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL,) will kickoff Grid Computing: Going Green While Getting Serious About Secure, Efficient, Cost-Effective IT. This complimentary breakfast briefing, being held at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel, will focus on energy conservation in the data center and realizing the promise of grid computing. Dale Sartor will open the dialogue with a presentation about the Data Center in the 21st Century, and will highlight energy efficiency opportunities. He’ll also describe a new DOE program to help data center operators improve their energy performance. Following Sartor’s talk, AMD will discuss the impact processors have on server efficiency; Oracle will outline the evolution of grid computing; and Sun Microsystems will share examples of grid computing applications. “Organizations can realize many advantages from energy efficient data centers, including financial benefits and the positive impact ‘going green’ has on the environment,” said Sartor. “I’m looking forward to sharing ideas and experiences with industry leaders, and beginning to delve further into how the IT community can conserve energy.” Grid Computing: Going Green While Getting Serious About Secure, Efficient, Cost-Effective IT, will be held at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel in San Francisco from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM. Registration is complimentary for executives interested in sharing thoughts or learning more about grid computing and “going green” to promote energy efficiency in the enterprise. To register, or for more information about the event, call 202-237-0300 or go to