Workshop set for multiscale mathematics/high performance computing

Applications will be accepted until May 15 for the 2007 Department of Energy Summer School in Multiscale Mathematics and High Performance Computing to be held June 29 –July 3 at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore. There is no tuition for the program, which is organized by the Northwest Consortium for Multiscale Mathematics and Applications. The workshop seeks to equip researchers to advance the understanding of complex physical processes that occur on a wide range of interacting length and time scales. It is aimed primarily at graduate and post-doctoral students in mathematics, scientific computing, materials sciences, geophysics, computational physics, mechanical engineering and related fields. According workshop advisor Jim Corones, president of the Krell Institute, finding the answers to questions involving complex physical systems—such as environmental change, secure and reliable energy, and new materials—will require modeling the interactions among many phenomena at many different scales. For the new models to succeed, researchers will need a deeper understanding of the mathematics of phenomena at multiple scales and how they interact. The workshop will address these challenges by providing introductory lectures on the mathematical and computational methods commonly used to model physical systems at various scales and on the approaches under development for bridging the scales between current methods. To motivate the development of new methods, the workshop also includes research talks, tutorials on parallel computing and MPI (message passing interface) and instructor-led laboratory activities that explore the lecture concepts in parallel computing environments. Participants will have access to computing resources at OSU and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Computing Laboratory located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash. They will retain access to the EMSL resources for up to one year. “This means that you can take home what you learned at the summer school and begin applying it immediately to your research problems in a high performance computing environment,” said PNNL scientist and workshop director Rogene Eichler West. Funding for the workshop is provided by the Department of Energy’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research program in multiscale mathematics. Participants will receive room and board on the OSU campus, and a limited amount of travel support is available. Documentation for supporting academic credit for attendance will be provided. Updates will be posted on workshop Web site. Eichler West encouraged participants to arrive in Corvallis a few days early to attend the research workshop, Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Multiscale Nonlinear Systems, scheduled for June 25-28 in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics’ Activity Group on the Geosciences. The Northwest Consortium for Multiscale Mathematics and Applications was established in 2005 with funding from DOE. It is a collaborative effort between OSU, PNNL and Washington State University. The group’s mission is to address critical problems in multiscale modeling, to enhance modeling in engineering and science by bringing mathematical and computational tools to bear on practical problems, to create a continuous communication between relevant disciplines and to enhance engineering and science education to meet the requirements of the 21st century.