Java Technology Conference Open for Registration

JavaOne Conference Is May 8-11 in San Francisco: Sun Microsystems, creator of Java technology, the Solaris Operating System and the world's leading contributor of open source code, today announced that registration is open and cosponsor and exhibitor recruitment for the 2007 JavaOne Conference is underway. Located at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, May 8-11, the JavaOne conference is the definitive venue for the industry to highlight the latest implementations, innovations and success stories in Java technology. For more information on registration please visit: its Web site. Companies wishing to exhibit at the 2007 JavaOne conference can get additional information at: its Web site. The JavaOne Conference provides attendees with a virtually unparalleled opportunity to learn from the creators and foremost experts in Java technology. Specifically, the 2007 Conference will encompass hundreds of in-depth technical sessions, Hands-on Labs and Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BOFs) focused on the following areas: - Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) - Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) - Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME) - Desktop - Next Generation Web - Tools and Languages - Services and Integration - Consumer Technologies - Open Source and Community - New and Cool Stuff This year the Conference will feature a new, expanded program that will include sessions on technologies outside the core Java Platform and also Business Only content for those managers interested in more information on solutions and real-world case studies. Details on specific sessions and the JavaOne conference schedule will be available soon. Content updates will be available at: its Web site. In addition, information on the content selection process is available in Annette Vernon's blog at: its Web site. Duke's Choice Awards Sun is also announcing Call for Submissions to the fifth annual Duke's Choice Awards, which celebrate extreme innovation in the world of Java technology. Duke's Choice award selection is based on the innovation and creativity of the Java technology-based applications and services, including: web applications and tools, mobile applications and services, games and card-based applications. Winners will receive a statuette of 'Duke,' the Java technology mascot and be recognized for their achievement at the at the 2007 JavaOne conference. This year, one of the Duke's Choice award winners will once again be chosen from the many applications featured on Full details and the submission form for the Duke's Choice awards are available at: its Web site.