ISC07 Issues Call for Posters, BoFs

The International Supercomputing Conference 2007, the premier high performance computing event in Europe, invites the worldwide HPC community to submit abstracts for research posters and Birds of a Feather sessions for this summer’s conference. The deadline for submitting abstracts is Thursday, April 12. Research posters will be presented Tuesday evening, June 26, and a prize will be awarded for best poster. Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions will be held Wednesday afternoon, June 27. BOFs will last 45 minutes, with three sessions held in parallel during each 45-minute interval. The Research Poster Session, offered for the first time last year, showcases innovative research projects and research results in an informal, interactive setting. Posters are welcome from conference participants at universities and public research institutes as well as from HPC and networking manufacturers. Contributions may be submitted in English. To submit a poster abstract, see the Research Poster web page at and click on the link to the Poster Abstract Submission form. For questions, send email to The abstracts of accepted posters will be included in the conference proceedings and will subsequently be published on the ISC web site. BoFs provide an informal discussion forum where participants can discuss new ideas and exchange information on topics of mutual interest. Each BoF session will have a different theme and will be coordinated by one or more individuals with an interest and expertise in the topic area. To submit a BoF proposal, use the BoF Abstract Submission Form at the BoF web page. Questions should be sent to Notification of acceptance for research posters and BoFs will be May 1. Both the Research Poster Session and the BoFs are open to all ISC2007 participants. ***Scientific Day Papers Also Being Accepted*** ISC2007 also is seeking papers to be presented during Scientific Day on June 26. Scientific Day, a new feature of the conference, is designed to give engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government the chance to present and discuss issues and trends that will shape the future of high performance computing and networking. Papers should be submitted in English by Feb. 20. Send all paper submissions to For more information, see the Scientific Day/Call for Papers web page at its Web site. Now in its 21st year, ISC offers a strong three-day technical program featuring a wide range of expert speakers as well as exhibits from leading research centers and vendors. A number of events compliment the technical program and exhibits, including the new Scientific Day, BoF sessions, the research poster session and Exhibitor Forum. The conference general website is at its Web site.