TeraGrid '07 Conference:
To accommodate the holiday period, the deadline for papers for the TeraGrid '07 conference has been extended to February 8, 2007. TeraGrid '07 is accepting papers, demonstrations, posters, tutorials, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions for the second annual TeraGrid conference to be held June 4-8, 2007, at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Last year's conference hosted more than 450 interested people including scientists, engineers, faculty, post docs, students, high school teachers, representatives from federal agencies, industry representatives, and staff from TeraGrid resource providers and partners.
Full papers (3-5 pages) are due February 8 for peer review. Notice of paper acceptance is March 16. Submissions should address the development of grid computing capabilities and the applications of the TeraGrid to research and education, in particular: * Scientific impacts resulting from work on the TeraGrid and/or with TeraGrid partners. * Technology development, capabilities and services. * Education, outreach and training including grid education and training. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference. Additionally, the review process will identify papers that will be selected for further review and possible inclusion in a special section of the Communications of the ACM (CACM). Student Contests -- TeraGrid '07 will also host three competitions for students! 1. The Impact of Cyberinfrastructure on Your World its Web site . High school, undergraduate and graduate students are invited to showcase their talents and creativity to convey how cyberinfrastructure will impact the world. Entries are due April 13, 2007. 2. TeraGrid Student Research Competition its Web site . Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit posters describing the applications and benefits of grid computing in their research endeavors. Poster abstracts are due April 13, 2007. 3. TeraGrid: Advancing Scientific Discovery Competition its Web site . This onsite event will address scientific discovery and problem solving. Sponsored student teams will be given eight to 12 problems from various scientific domains and will be asked to solve these problems within 24 hours. Teams must register to participate by May 4, 2007. See its Web site for more information on the paper submission process and the student competitions!