Sun Achieves First Status as Leader for Integration-Centric BPM Suites
Results Demonstrate Successful Integration of Category-Leading SeeBeyond Technology into Sun's Software Portfolio that Includes the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS): Sun Microsystems, the creator of Solaris, announced it was among the select companies that Forrester invited to participate in its latest Forrester WAVE report. In this evaluation, Sun was cited as a leader in the Forrester WAVE on Integration-Centric Business Process Management Suites (IC-BPMS), Q4 2006 (December 2006). The results of this comprehensive study demonstrate the successful integration of the SeeBeyond business integration technology, which Sun acquired in 2005, into its current Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java CAPS).
Forrester evaluated Sun Microsystems' current offering and strategy for IC-BPMS products against approximately 85 criteria and found: - Sun's Java CAPS provides strong features for addressing an organization's service-oriented architecture (SOA) and business process management (BPM) needs; - Overall, the product has excellent process modeling features and provides a strong, standalone enterprise service bus (ESB) product, as well as an embedded registry/repository; - The product is an especially good fit for enterprises that require: -Combined integration, BPM, and SOA for complex environments. -Comprehensive solutions that can be obtained on an open source basis. The complete Sun Java CAPS solution is available in either a traditional per-license contract basis or as open source technology. Via the SeeBeyond acquisition, "Sun has accepted the leadership baton for these integration tools and is aggressively moving forward with a strategy of making this technology more widely available through the efforts of its large sales and marketing organization and related open source initiatives," Ken Vollmer, Forrester in the report. For more information on the Forrester WAVE Methodology, please see For information on Sun's completely integrated, secure, end-to-end SOA solutions, please see its Web site.