New Video Compression Technology Released for Clusters

Dauger Research Inc., has announced the release of the Pooch QuickTime Exporter plug-in that enables desktop video editing applications to take advantage of clusters. Using the patented Pooch (Parallel OperatiOn and Control Heuristic application) and Pooch Pro clustering software, applications like iMovie and Final Cut Pro can use clusters to generate compressed video much faster than before. "Video processing on clusters is part of our vision for the future of parallel computing," said Dr. Dean Dauger, President of Dauger Research, Inc. "Our goal is to make clusters so easy to use that the user is barely aware that the computations are performed in parallel. The Pooch QuickTime Exporter provides the easiest, most reliable path to apply clustering to numerically intensive QuickTime compression. This is a major breakthrough for video podcasters, online educators, or other video producers and enthusiasts who want to distribute content online." Winner of IEEE Cluster's "most innovative" award, Pooch software combines powerful, numerically-intensive parallel-computing clusters with the ease-of-use of the Macintosh. Pooch technology is the first and only clustering solution to launch Universal Applications in parallel. Likewise, the Pooch QuickTime Exporter is a Universal parallel code, meaning it supports mixed clusters of Intel- and PowerPC-based Macintoshes. The technology also counts multiple "cores as "virtual nodes" taking advantage of parallel computing both inside a box and across boxes using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) supercomputing-industry standard. The Pooch QuickTime Exporter supports numerous codecs including: H.264, H.261, MPEG-4, Motion JPEG, AAC, Lossless, & MACE. It can even compress in multiple codecs simultaneously for greater efficiency. Dauger Research makes v1.0 of the Pooch QuickTime Exporter available today. The plug-in is bundled for free with newly purchased Pooch or Pooch Pro software, while current Pooch users may download the plug-in immediately to begin compressing video on their clusters. The Pooch QuickTime Exporter requires Intel- or PowerPC-based Macintoshes and/or Xserves with 2 GB of RAM running Mac OS X 10.4 or later and/or Mac OS X Server 10.4 or later and Pooch or Pooch Pro or PCM v1.7 or later and networked with 100BaseT switched Ethernet or faster.