Second Annual Internet2 IDEA Awards Submission Deadline 15 Dec 2006

Awards Recognize Advanced Network Applications Innovations in the Research and Education Community: Submissions are now being accepted for the Internet2 IDEA Awards program, which recognizes innovators that have had a profound and positive impact on the use of advanced network applications among the research and education community. Previous Internet2 IDEA Award winners have applied advanced networking to enable substantial progress within research, teaching and learning by leveraging the unique capabilities of the Internet2 network infrastructure. The next round of IDEA award winners will be recognized at the Spring 2007 Internet2 Member Meeting held in Washington D.C. IDEA Award submissions are judged on the following criteria: - Magnitude of the positive impact of the application for its (current) users - Technical merit of the application - Breadth of impact, as indicated by current user base and likelihood of broader adoption by its full natural community of potential users Additionally, submissions must have had a positive impact in one or more of the following areas: - Innovation in Research - Advances in Teaching & Learning - Scientific Discovery - Global Collaboration Eligibility Entries may be submitted by an individual affiliated with any Internet2 member, a Sponsored Educational Group Participant, or a Sponsored Participant. Submissions must be received by December 15th, 2006 and should be submitted via: its Web site For more detailed information on the submission process and requirements visit: its Web site or email questions to: