IBM to Build World's Most Powerful University-based Supercomputing Center

The world's most powerful university-based supercomputing system will be built at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) school officials announced today. RPI, IBM and New York State are sharing equally the $100 million cost to create the Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations (CCNI). It will be based on the Rensselaer campus and the nearby Rensselaer Technology Park and is expected to be operating by the end of the year. The CCNI will be made up of IBM's Blue Gene, Power chip-based Linux clusters, and AMD's Opteron-based clusters. It is expected to be one of the world's top 10 supercomputing centers and will focus on reducing the time and costs associated with creating nanoscale materials, devices, and systems. The massively parallel system's speed will be 70 TFlop/s. "This new supercomputing center dedicated to nanotechnology will have global impact by finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing the continued productivity growth of the semiconductor industry and enabling key nanotechnology innovations in the fields of energy, biotechnology, arts, and medicine," said RPI President Shirley Ann Jackson. The Blue Gene supercomputer IBM will build at RPI in New York will be capable of more than 70 trillion calculations per second. It would take one person with a calculator almost 60 million years to tabulate the number of calculations that the new Blue Gene can handle in a single second. Photo shows a representative Blue Gene system.
She was joined by state Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno, R-Brunswick; John E. Kelly III, senior vice president of technology and intellectual property at IBM and an RPI alumnus; and Omkaram Nalamasu, RPI's vice president for research. The computer will be networked into the Internet 2, a high-speed fiber optic link connecting the state's major universities and research institutions. "This partnership between Rensselaer, IBM, and the state will create one of the world's top 10 supercomputing centers, and the most powerful university-based supercomputing center anywhere," said Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno. "Establishing this world-class science and technology research center has the power to transform the Capital Region into a high-tech destination. This collaboration will attract new business, support existing companies, and generate high-paying jobs in the region." "Current semiconductor technology is rapidly approaching its practical limits. New, nanotechnology-based technologies will be needed to sustain the productivity growth that the information technology industry provides to the world economy," said John E. Kelly III, IBM's senior vice president of technology and intellectual property. "We are delighted with New York's and RPI's continuing commitment to leadership in this important field. We also look forward to extending our collaboration with AMD and Cadence to innovate around the technical barriers our industry is facing." The ability to design and manufacture smaller, cheaper, and faster semiconductor devices is crucial to sustaining Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors per a given area doubles roughly every 18 months. Chip designers and manufacturers have sustained Moore's prediction by continually shrinking the size of devices on semiconductor chips. Today's circuit components measure about 65 nanometers (nm) in width, or 65 billionths of a meter. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, this needs to shrink to 45 nm by 2009, 35 nm by 2012, and 22 nm by 2015. The continued miniaturization of semiconductor technology is forcing the need for simulation across an unprecedented broad range of dimensions all the way down to the atomic scale. Rensselaer will dedicate a multidisciplinary scientific and engineering team to groundbreaking collaborative nanotechnology research among industry, government, and academia. "The CCNI will bring together university and industry researchers under one roof to conduct a broad range of computational simulations, from the interactions between atoms and molecules up to the behavior of the complete device. This will help enable the semiconductor industry to bridge the gaps between fundamental device science, design, and manufacturing at the nanoscale," said Omkaram (Om) Nalamasu, vice president for research at Rensselaer. The center will be an important resource for companies of any size -- from start-ups to established firms -- to perform research that would be impossible without both the computing power and the expert researchers at CCNI. "Breakthroughs in the development and application of nanotechnology will result from systematic and broad multidisciplinary collaboration," said Mike Fister, president and CEO of Cadence Design Systems Inc. "As the leader in electronic design automation (EDA), we look forward to providing significant contributions to the research conducted at the CCNI, particularly in the areas of design modeling, simulation, and optimization to make nanoscale technology a reality." The computing power also will benefit a wide array of faculty and student research projects at Rensselaer, such as in biocomputation, which involves the modeling and simulation of tissue, cell, and genetic behavior. These computing tools will offer powerful new methods to understand the complex behavior of living organisms.