United Devices Announced Certification of GetItRight

United Devices announced today certification of GetItRight task automation and data warehousing software by CTH Technologies running on United Devices' Grid MP platform. The two companies said that the combination of their respective technologies creates a powerful solution for customers who require an ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) database or Internet data extractor tool that can run well across a highly distributed infrastructure of hundreds or even thousands of nodes. "We know that most of our customers have large data warehousing projects," said Jikku Venkat, chief technology officer at United Devices. "GetItRight provides substantial value for any company gathering and processing such unstructured data. These data processing projects require significant time and money to produce results. Now, through Grid MP, companies have a total solution that is very compelling in terms of time to results and the cost of computing." GetItRight software provides simple and cost-effective solutions for data migration and task automation, including the ability to extract, transform, cleanse and move large amounts of screen, flat file or database table data very quickly, attended or unattended. Scripts are sophisticated, yet simple to create and maintain, with the ability to perform both multi-directional and single-directional data migration between any source and target destination. "GetItRight goes beyond generic ETL tools and is unique in its ability to map from any Source Data directly to any Target Location, whether that be a standard application screen or screens, database, flat file or transactional application," said Cliff Haines, chief technology officer at CTH Technologies. "Integrated with United Devices' Grid MP, our solution gains the processing power to tackle any size data migration or data warehousing project. "Plus, it can run across multiple environments including Windows, DOS, Mainframe, AS400, Unix and Linux," he added. Already the GetItRight/Grid MP solution is being used for data warehousing at a leading cancer research facility in Chicago, where researchers continually extract source data from thousands of medical journals containing millions of full-text articles relating to previous cancer research. These articles are extracted, Greek letter images transformed to characters and saved into XML documents, which are then loaded into a structured data warehouse for data mining. "Using the United Devices Grid MP platform, the research center created a `grid' comprised of many heterogeneous computing devices including personal computers and clusters, which now allows GetItRight ETL scripts to run much more quickly, and thereby process hundreds of thousands of articles each week," said Dr. Eric Bremer, director of brain tumor research at Children's Memorial Research Center. "Traditionally researchers would have used much more expensive dedicated UNIX servers for the same task." GetItRight can reduce data warehouse development that would normally take three to four months to just a matter of weeks. With GetItRight, the developer is shielded from the complexity of the source data structures and simply builds process flow maps based on the data entry screens that application users see. GetItRight automatically scans the source data entry screens and figures out the meta data associated with those screens, then submits the associated data into the target or transactional system based on the mapping. GetItRight acts as a broker between the old source systems and the new transactional system, without the requirement of staging and landing the data multiple times. GetItRight also reduces the on-going maintenance of the data warehouse and provides an easy-to-use interface that allows complex sources of data to be cleansed, consolidated and loaded into a central structure for advanced analytical reporting and business intelligence.