Mitrionics' FPGA Supercomputing Platform Now Compatible With Xilinx

Mitrionics, the technology leader in programming FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) for supercomputing software acceleration, today announced that its Mitrion Platform, consisting of the Mitrion Virtual Processor and Mitrion Software Development Kit, now fully supports the Xilinx Virtex-4 Platform FPGAs. Scientists and researchers are always looking for faster performance in their supercomputing applications and lower power consumption in their systems. The Mitrion Platform, in conjunction with Virtex-4 FPGAs, allows both of these requirements to be met as supercomputing applications are able to be written by software developers without any hardware design knowledge. Supercomputing performance is generally 10x to 100x greater than traditional processors with applications targeted towards the industries of bioinformatics, oil and gas, imaging, and financial analysis. Since becoming available in October 2005, the Mitrion Platform has been chosen by most of the FPGA Supercomputing industry leaders worldwide. Mitrionics' unique and revolutionary technology removes the barriers of high cost, extreme complexity, and long development times to make FPGA Supercomputing performance accessible to entirely new markets and segments of scientists and developers. Using the Mitrion-C Programming Language, a mere 180 lines of code can generate 150,000 lines of VHDL (Very high speed integrated circuits -- Hardware Description Language). "Accelerating application performance for the supercomputing industry is an exciting new growth segment for Xilinx and one that truly benefits from the tremendous processing potential of our highest performance FPGAs," stated Steve Lass, director of Software Product Marketing at Xilinx. "Mitrionics has made FPGA Supercomputing their core company focus and their software-centric Mitrion Platform is ideally suited towards meeting the technology and market requirements of scientists and researchers." "The Virtex-4 Platform from Xilinx is an important technology milestone for the industry as it will allow even greater processing acceleration for supercomputing applications running on the Mitrion Virtual Processor," stated Anders Dellson, CEO of Mitrionics, Inc. "The Mitrion Platform is fully compatible with Virtex-4 FPGAs, and applications written using Mitrion C for Virtex-II devices can easily be ported to next-generation FPGAs with just the press of a button." The Mitrion Platform -- Rapid Development for FPGA-Based Supercomputing Applications The Mitrion Virtual Processor and Mitrion Software Development Kit provide a unique solution that makes it possible to develop supercomputing applications for FPGAs on a true software level. This dramatically reduces the total cost for FPGA-based software acceleration, and more importantly, enables the whole supercomputing industry to benefit from FPGAs.