mi2g to deliver Computing Colloquium at CERN

mi2g to deliver the Computing Colloquium at CERN -- European Organisation for Nuclear Research -- in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22nd March. The Colloquium is titled "Anytime, Anywhere, Active Computing Security in the 21st Century." CERN is where the world wide web was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and it remains a center for global computing innovation and excellence, most notably in Grid Computing. In mid-February this year, a huge 100,000 interlinked computers (Grid Computing) network being built to help research the origin of the universe passed the third of four major tests. The major breakthrough was announced simultaneously by CERN in Geneva and Mumbai, that their Global Grid service for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) computing has succeeded in their sustained Gigabyte-per-second challenge. This Breakthrough has huge significance for Global Grid Computing and will benefit not just the high energy physics research but also biomedicine, nanotechnology and environmental sciences. The "Grid Computing" project is accompanied by significant computing security and global risk management challenges. On 15th February 2006 at the international Computing for High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2006 conference (CHEP'06) in Mumbai, India, the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid collaboration (WLCG) officially announced the successful completion of the service challenge. During the week-long challenge, the LHC Computing worldwide Grid infrastructure sustained transfer rates of a gigabyte per second (1GB/sec), which the developers are claiming as a "world first" for a permanent, international grid using scientific data. The maximum sustained data rates achieved correspond to transferring a DVD worth of scientific data from CERN every five seconds. The data transfers were made to analyse real-time storage, distribution and analysis of the data while the grid is being built and refined. The LHC particle accelerator will release a vast flood of data on a scale unlike anything seen before, which is why the grid computing network is needed with attendant dynamic security innovations. The LHC, which is being built near Geneva, will be a circular structure 17 miles in circumference and will eventually produce data at up to 1.8GB/sec. At the colloquium, DK Matai, Executive Chairman, mi2g will take a holistic view of global risk management within the context of "Grid Computing" security, and describe how cyberspace is becoming a new dimension for organized crime and asymmetric warfare, where extremists and criminals are moving. Understanding this global trend is essential to preparing computing security for the future. mi2g is a digital risk specialist for leading banking and financial institutions which has built one of the world's largest digital attack databases, tracking over 7,500 hacking groups and monitoring in real time Internet hacker and malware attacks around the world. This gives mi2g a unique perspective on the darker side of the Internet. DK will illustrate some of the worrying trends we are observing in cyberspace, and comment on their relationship to trends in the real world. Beyond technical fixes to malware and digital attacks, DK will argue that there is an urgent need for organisations and nations to construct Total Information Awareness Systems and Knowledge Management Analysis Systems, to combat the rising tide of cyber-crime and cyber-extremism. DK will make the case for the creation of Regional Security Organisations, similar to the WHO's regional programmes for human health, to neutralize emerging dangers. Finally, DK will propose that "any dynamic computing matrix, however large, is our secure computing environment or none is", and elaborate on what this proposition means for active computing security in the 21st Century. Colloquium Title: Anytime, Anywhere, Active Computing Security in the 21st century Speaker: DK Matai, Executive Chairman, mi2g When: Wednesday 22 March 2006, 14:00-15:00 Where: Building 31 3rd floor, CERN Speaker profile DK Matai is an engineer turned entrepreneur and philanthropist with a keen interest in the well being of global society. He founded mi2g in 1995 in London, UK, while studying for his PhD at Imperial College. The company focuses on digital banking, digital risk management and bespoke security architecture for major financial institutions, government agencies and multinationals in Europe America and Asia. mi2g won the Queen's Award for Enterprise in the category of innovation in 2003. DK Matai helped found ATCA, the Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance, in 2001, a philanthropic initiative to understand and address complex global changes. DK Matai worked previously in the R&D labs of IBM, Inmos, ST Microelectronics and Helvar Electrosonic on massive parallel processing and supercomputing applications.