Sun Tops IBM With World-Record Performance

Sun Fire E25K Server, Solaris 10 Operating System and Sun Java Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 Set New World Record Server-Side Java Benchmark -- Sun Microsystems today announced that the industry-leading Sun Fire E25K server running UltraSPARC IV+ processors and Solaris 10 Operating System, the most advanced operating system on the planet, achieved world record performance of over 1.16 million business operations per second on the SPEC Java Business benchmark (SPECjbb2005) and beat competitors that include IBM and Fujitsu, among others. The latest in a series of leading performance recordsS, testing results were conducted on the Java Platform, Standard Edition 5.0_06 with Java HotSpot Virtual Machine technology, the 14th world-record benchmark on the UltraSPARC IV+ processor-based platforms in just six months since launch. Additionally, Sun continues to demonstrate superior price advantages with the Sun Fire E25K system priced 29 percent less than the Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 2500 at a price tag of $5.8 million and 10 percent less than the IBM 64-way p5 595 with 512 GB DDR2 memory. The SPECjbb2005 benchmark is used to analyze a vendor's platform scalability when running Java applications. Both the Sun Fire E25K server result and the Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 2500 result were obtained using Java HotSpot 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_06, and running Solaris 10.