SC06 Sends out the 2006 Call for Participation

SC06, the annual conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis sent out a call for participation today. The SC06 conference will be held November 11th-17th, 2006, at the Tampa Convention Center in Florida. The conference Web site for technical program submissions is scheduled to open Monday, March 27th, 2006, so now is the time to start mapping out your ideas. The Web site will be open for submissions for: • Technical Papers • Tutorials • Panels • Workshop Proposals • SC Global sessions • Education Program • Gordon Bell Prize For more information about the Technical Program, go to its Web site. The deadline for submissions in these areas is Monday, April 17. Are you wrapping up an interesting HPC research project? Have an idea for a compelling tutorial or lively panel discussion? If so, now is the time to start thinking about submitting your contribution for consideration as part of the SC06 Technical Program. "Even though our HPC community seems to live by the 'wait-until-the-last-minute' mantra, we want to encourage people to start thinking about papers, tutorials and other tech program areas now," said SC06 General Chair Barbara Horner-Miller of the Arctic Region Supercomputer Center. "We all know how these deadlines sneak up on us, but the SC conference has become THE place to present your HPC work and we don't want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to contribute." SC06, the premier international conference on high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, will take its inspiration from Albert Einstein who said "Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." Following the traditions set with the first SC conference in 1988, exciting technical and educational programs, workshops, tutorials, exhibits, demonstrations and many other activities await attendees. SC06 is the one place where attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today. SC06 will explore ways in which high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis lead to advances in research, education and commerce. Innovative and diverse technologies are implemented within the HPC world every year. SC06 will introduce an initiative focusing on those emerging concepts and technologies that have the potential to reshape the HPC landscape. The Analytics initiative that was introduced last year will also be evolved further during the SC06 planning process. With the conference growth over the past years approaching 10,000, SC06 provides an excellent forum for researchers to explore ideas and build collaborations. More information about SC06 can be found at its Web site.