IEEE-USA president encourages bipartisan efforts to pass innovation legislation

IEEE-USA President Ralph W. Wyndrum Jr. encourages bipartisan cooperation on legislation promoting U.S. competitiveness and innovation in a letter sent to House and Senate leaders today. Recent efforts to enhance U.S. innovation include President Bush's "American Competitiveness Initiative"; the Senate's bipartisan "Protecting America's Competitive Edge" package; Sens. John Ensign's (R-Nev.) and Joseph Lieberman's (D-Conn.) "National Innovation Act"; and House Democrats' "Innovation Agenda." House Republicans are also expected to introduce comprehensive innovation and competitiveness legislation this week. Each of these initiatives are designed to spur America's global economic competitiveness by enhancing science, engineering and technology research and development, boosting math and science education, and providing incentives for technological innovation. "We strongly encourage Congress to capitalize on the momentum and exceptional bipartisan consensus on this important issue," Wyndrum wrote. "For the good of country, we urge leaders in both parties of the House and Senate to work together, and with the administration, to pass legislation during this session of Congress to preserve America's competitive edge in the global arena."