Cluster Resources releases TORQUE* 2.0, one of HPC's most used batch systems

Cluster Resources, Inc.TM today announced the release of TORQUE Resource Manager* 2.0, an open source high performance computing (HPC) resource manager based on OpenPBS that has added over 1,200 improvements in the areas of scalability, usability and stability in the last 18 months. TORQUE Resource Manager gives organizations the capability to control batch jobs and distributed compute nodes and, thanks to contributions from the community, it has become an increasingly stable and efficient open source tool. From the time TORQUE was released in 2004, it has been used on many of the worlds largest grids and clusters. TORQUE runs on sites with tens of thousands of jobs and sites with nearly 10,000 processors. In the last six months, there have been approximately 60,000 downloads of the software from Cluster Resources' Web site alone. “TORQUE's progress is remarkable for an open source product,” said Dave Jackson, Chief Technology Officer of Cluster Resources. “TORQUE has proven itself to be an effective and stable platform for thousands of clusters worldwide. In fact, we are told that TORQUE runs on more of the 'Top 500' sites than any other batch system.” Cluster Resources' determined TORQUE's move to 2.0 based on the enhanced stability and capabilities contributed in the last year. The contributed patches improve open source resource management in the areas of scalability, usability, scheduling interface and fault tolerance. TORQUE's improvements since the last patch include an improved start up feature for quick startup of downed nodes, enhanced internal diagnostics, simplified install, and improved API reporting abilities. TORQUE Resource Manager, which is maintained by Cluster Resources, Inc. was created largely in part by contributions from community members including NCSA, OSC, USC, the U.S. Department of Energy, Sandia, PNNL, University of Buffalo, TeraGrid and many other leading edge HPC organizations. “Congratulations to everybody for making TORQUE successful,” Jackson said. “We are still working with the community to improve usability, self-diagnostics, reliability and scalability. With these and other improvements, TORQUE will continue to become more intuitive and easier to use through joint efforts with many contributing sites.” Community members may contribute to TORQUE Resource Manager by e-mailing Cluster Administrators may download TORQUE for their own clusters at Support for TORQUE or other software products such as Maui Scheduler, Moab Cluster Suite or Moab Grid Suite may optionally be purchased from Cluster Resources at * TORQUE Resource Manager includes software developed by NASA Ames Research Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Veridian Information Solutions, Inc. Visit for OpenPBS software support, products, and information. TORQUE is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Altair Grid Solutions, Inc.