Lockheed Martin Q3 Net Sales Up 9% to $9.2 Billion

Lockheed Martin Corporation today reported third quarter 2005 net earnings of $427 million ($0.96 per diluted share) compared to $307 million ($0.69 per diluted share) in 2004. Net sales were $9.2 billion, a 9% increase over third quarter 2004 sales of $8.4 billion. Cash from operations for the third quarter of 2005 was $893 million. "We have consistently driven operational performance to higher levels throughout each quarter this year, highlighted by strong growth in our net earnings," said Bob Stevens, Chairman, President and CEO. "Additionally, every business segment has contributed to the enterprise-wide focus on improving the returns on our investment base. As a result, our return on invested capital is expected to exceed 15% in 2005." SUMMARY REPORTED RESULTS The following table presents the Corporation's results for the quarter and year-to-date periods on a GAAP basis: REPORTED RESULTS 3rd Quarter Year-to-Date (In millions, except 2005 2004 2005 2004 per share data) Net sales $9,201 $8,438 $26,984 $25,561 Operating profit Segment operating profit $ 856 $ 723 $ 2,483 $ 2,131 Unallocated corporate, net: FAS/CAS pension adjustment (155) (148) (466) (446) Unusual items --- --- 58 --- Other 5 (14) 25 (44) $ 706 $ 561 $ 2,100 $ 1,641 Net earnings $ 427 $ 307 $ 1,257 $ 894 Diluted earnings per share $ 0.96 $ 0.69 $ 2.81 $ 2.00 Cash from operations $ 893 $1,039 $ 3,138 $ 2,835 2005 OUTLOOK 2005 Projections (In millions, except per Current Update July 2005 share data and percentages) Net sales $37,000 - $37,500 $36,500 - $38,000 Operating profit: Segment operating profit $3,350 - $3,400 $3,300 - $3,400 Unallocated corporate expense, net: FAS/CAS pension adjustment approx. (630) approx. (630) Unusual items 143 58 Other 12 - 37 (8) - 17 $2,875 - $2,950 $2,725 - $2,825 Diluted earnings per share $3.85 - $3.95 $3.60 - $3.75 Cash from operations >/= $3,200 At least $3,000 Return on invested capital (ROIC) >/= 15.0% > 14.0% The increase in projected 2005 diluted earnings per share was primarily driven by an unusual gain of $0.12 per share from the sale of approximately 16 million shares of Inmarsat stock. This stock sale was consummated in October, and the gain will be reflected in the Corporation's fourth quarter results. 2006 OUTLOOK (In millions, except per share data and percentages) 2006 Projection Net sales $38,000 - $39,500 Operating profit: Segment operating profit $3,500 - $3,650 Unallocated corporate expense, net: FAS/CAS pension adjustment approx. (450) Unusual items - - Stock compensation expense approx. (100) Other 25 - 50 $2,975 - $3,150 Diluted earnings per share $4.00 - $4.25 Cash from operations >/= $3,200 Return on invested capital (ROIC) > 15.0% The outlook for 2006 operating profit and earnings per share assumes that the Corporation's 2006 non-cash FAS/CAS pension adjustment will be calculated using a discount rate of 5.5%, and the actual return on plan assets in 2005 will be 5.5%. The 2006 non-cash FAS/CAS pension adjustment will not be finalized until year-end, consistent with the Corporation's pension plan measurement date. The Corporation will update its 2006 outlook, as necessary, when it announces 2005 year-end financial results. The projected 2006 operating profit includes estimated stock option expense as a result of the Corporation adopting FAS 123R "Share-Based Payment" prospectively on January 1, 2006. The projected 2006 stock compensation expense includes a combination of stock options and grants of other stock- based incentive awards. It is the Corporation's practice not to incorporate adjustments to its outlook and projections for proposed acquisitions, divestitures or other unusual activities until such transactions have been consummated. YEAR-TO-DATE RESULTS Net sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 were $27.0 billion, a 6% increase over the $25.6 billion recorded in the comparable 2004 period. Net earnings for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 were $1.3 billion ($2.81 per share) compared to $894 million ($2.00 per share) in 2004. The 2005 results include the effects of three previously disclosed unusual items: an after-tax gain of $31 million ($0.07 per share) recognized in the first quarter from the sale of the Corporation's Intelsat investment, an after-tax gain of $27 million ($0.06 per share) recognized in the second quarter related to the Corporation's investment in Inmarsat, and an after-tax loss of $19 million ($0.04 per share) recognized in the first quarter related to an impairment in the value of a telecommunications satellite operated by a subsidiary. On a combined basis, these items increased 2005 net earnings by $39 million ($0.09 per share). No unusual items were recognized in the nine months ended September 30, 2004. CASH FLOW AND LEVERAGE Cash from operations for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2005 was $893 million and $3.1 billion. The Corporation continued to execute its balanced cash deployment strategy during the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2005 as follows: * Repurchased 9.3 million of its common shares at a cost of $578 million in the quarter and 14.9 million of its common shares at a cost of $933 million during the nine month period; * Paid cash dividends of $110 million in the quarter and $332 million for the nine month period; * Made a discretionary prepayment of $450 million in the second quarter to pre-fund the majority of the anticipated 2006 funding requirements for the Corporation's pension plan trust; * Paid $410 million in the first quarter to acquire The SYTEX Group, Inc. and STASYS Limited; * Made capital expenditures of $154 million in the quarter and $362 million during the nine month period; and * Retired $37 million of debt in advance of its maturity in the second quarter. In September, the Corporation's Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to an additional 45 million shares of its common stock, bringing the total shares authorized for repurchase to 88 million under the program. Through September 30, 2005, the Corporation has repurchased 41 million shares of its common stock under the program. The Board of Directors also authorized a 20% increase in the quarterly dividend from $0.25 to $0.30, effective for dividends payable on December 30, 2005. In October, the Corporation paid approximately $150 million to acquire INSYS Group Limited and Coherent Technologies, Inc. The INSYS acquisition expands the Corporation's commitment in the U.K. and both acquisitions align with the Corporation's strategy of acquiring companies that supplement our competencies, offer access to new customers and provide appropriate financial returns to our shareholders. The Corporation's ratio of debt-to-total capitalization was 40% at the end of the third quarter compared to 42% at December 31, 2004. At September 30, 2005, the Corporation's cash and short-term investments were $3.6 billion. SEGMENT RESULTS The Corporation operates in five principal business segments: Electronic Systems; Integrated Systems & Solutions (IS&S); Information & Technology Services (I&TS); Aeronautics; and Space Systems. The results of Electronic Systems, IS&S and I&TS have been aggregated and reported as the Systems & IT Group due to the common focus on information technology and systems integration and engineering solutions across these segments. Net sales for the Systems & IT Group increased by 7% for the quarter and 10% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 from the 2004 periods. For the quarter, sales increased at Electronic Systems and Integrated Systems & Solutions and were comparable between periods at Information & Technology Services. Each of the business segments in the group reported sales growth during the nine month period. In Electronic Systems, for both the quarter and year-to-date periods, the increases in sales were primarily attributable to higher sales volume in tactical and surface system programs at Maritime Systems & Sensors (MS2); in platform integration activities at Platform Training & Transportation Solutions (PT&TS); and in air defense and fire control programs at Missiles & Fire Control (M&FC). In IS&S, for both the quarter and year-to-date periods, the increases in sales were primarily attributable to higher volume and performance related to intelligence, defense and information assurance activities. For the quarter, I&TS' sales were comparable to the prior period as higher volume in Information Technology was offset by decreased volume on NASA and Defense programs. For the nine month period, the increase in I&TS' sales was primarily attributable to higher volume in Information Technology, which offset declines in NASA and Defense programs. Operating profit for the Systems & IT Group increased by 17% for the quarter and 19% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 compared to the 2004 periods. Each of the business segments in the group reported growth in operating profit during the three and nine month periods. In Electronic Systems, for the quarter, the increase was primarily due to improved performance on simulation and training systems activities at PT&TS; radar and surface systems programs at MS2; and volume on air defense programs at M&FC. For the nine month period, the increase in Electronic Systems operating profit was mainly due to tactical missile program activities and improved performance on fire control and air defense programs at M&FC, improved performance on simulation and training programs at PT&TS and volume on surface systems programs at MS2. In IS&S, for both the quarter and year- to-date periods, the increases were primarily attributable to higher volume and performance related to intelligence, defense and information assurance activities. In I&TS, for both the quarter and year-to-date periods, the increases were due to higher volume and improved performance in Information Technology. Net sales for Aeronautics increased by 8% for the quarter and decreased by 2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 from the 2004 periods. The sales increase in the quarter is primarily due to growth of $215 million in Air Mobility as a result of increased C-130J deliveries and volume on other Air Mobility programs. For the nine month period, sales decreased by $150 million due to anticipated declines in Combat Aircraft, which more than offset growth in Air Mobility. Combat Aircraft sales decreased by $490 million for the nine month period primarily due to declines in F-16 volume, which more than offset higher F/A-22 and F-35 volume. The decrease in Combat Aircraft was partially offset by additional C-130J deliveries and higher volume on other Air Mobility programs, which contributed to sales growth in Air Mobility during the nine month period. Segment operating profit increased by 12% for the quarter and 7% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 from the 2004 periods. Air Mobility operating profit increased for the quarter and year-to-date periods mainly due to increased deliveries and improved performance on the C-130J program in 2005. In each period, Combat Aircraft operating profit declined due to decreased F-16 deliveries. For the nine months, reduced earnings on the F-35 development program were offset by increased volume and improved performance on F/A-22 and other Combat Aircraft programs. Net sales for Space Systems increased by 17% for the quarter and by 9% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 from the 2004 periods. In both periods, sales growth in Satellites and Strategic & Defensive Missile Systems (S&DMS) offset declines in Launch Services. The increases in Satellites were due to higher volume on government satellite programs that more than offset declines in commercial satellite activities. There were no commercial satellite deliveries in 2005. There were no commercial satellite deliveries in the third quarter of 2004 and two deliveries in the nine months ended September 30, 2004. The increases in S&DMS were attributable to the fleet ballistic missile and missile defense programs. In Launch Services, the decrease in the quarter was primarily attributable to lower volume on both the Titan program and NASA's external tank program. During the nine month period, the decrease in Launch Services' sales was mainly due to having three Atlas launches in 2005 compared to five launches in the comparable 2004 period. Segment operating profit increased by 36% for the quarter and 25% for the nine months ended September 30, 2005, when compared to the 2004 periods. In both periods, operating profit increased in both Satellites and Launch Services. In Satellites, higher volume and improved performance on government satellite programs more than offset declines in commercial satellites. In Launch Services, the increases were attributable to improved performance on the Atlas and Proton launch vehicle programs. Web site