Visual Numerics Teams With the Leading Hong Kong University

Visual Numerics today announced that it has partnered with the University of Hong Kong, a highly regarded university in Hong Kong. As part of the agreement, Visual Numerics will provide staff and students with access to the industry's most comprehensive visual data analysis tool, PV-WAVE. With PV-WAVE, students and professors will be able to develop their own complex data visualization applications for scientific, engineering and business analytics. PV-WAVE allows users to rapidly import, manipulate, analyze and visualize data of any size and complexity. Its sophisticated set of analysis routines, which can be called from the IMSL Numerical Libraries, gives users unmatched numerical analysis capabilities. Visual Numerics' tools will serve as an extension of the University's notable supercomputer investments and high performance computing capabilities, and provide users with unlimited development possibilities. "The University of Hong Kong is working to shape the leaders and innovators of tomorrow," said Dr. Nam Ng, director of computer centre, University of Hong Kong. "We are pleased to partner with Visual Numerics to provide our students with the most sophisticated and advanced data and visual applications available." Visual Numerics' relationship with the University of Hong Kong dates back 20 years when the university first invested in the company's IMSL C Numerical Library and IMSL Fortran Numerical Library. Recently, use of Visual Numerics' IMSL C# Numerical Library helped the University of Hong Kong garner "The Best Web Services Applications for Smart Client" award in Microsoft's Web Services Competition. "The University of Hong Kong has been working steadily these past two decades to invest in the most advanced technology infrastructure and software available," said Phil Fraher, president and CEO of Visual Numerics. "We are pleased to be the University's long-term technology partner and feel good that we are providing its students with the best data analysis and visualization tools on the market, and helping them set the pace for other universities in China."