Visual Numerics Announces Availability of PV-WAVE 8.5

Visual Numerics Inc., a leading provider of numerical analysis and visualization software, today announced the general availability of PV-WAVE version 8.5, the next generation of the company's industry-leading visual data analysis software. Now engineers, scientists and business analysts in a broad range of industries can use PV-WAVE 8.5 to build visual applications on a wider range of platforms and perform analysis or data mining of large and complex data sets to better understand trends, patterns and anomalies in their data. PV-WAVE's new features include: -- 64-Bit Support for New Platforms - PV-WAVE 8.5 offers native 64-bit support for three new platforms: Sun Solaris, IBM AIX and AMD Opteron Linux. The 64-bit versions allow analysis of larger data sets with greater precision and enhanced performance - ultimately increasing productivity. -- New Math Functions - Several new mathematics functions are available for partitioning arrays and evaluating operations such as: -- Determinants -- N-dimensional integrals -- Matrix inversion -- Tensor transformations -- Jacobian -- Legendre These new numerical methods provide a wider range of solutions for applications such as flight test engineering, predictive modeling, budget forecasting and biological modeling. -- OpenMP for IBM AIX - OpenMP 2.0 support for most PV-WAVE array operations will be available in PV-WAVE 8.5. OpenMP offers users high performance shared memory and parallel computing for large array operations. -- New Online Help and Documentation - PV-WAVE 8.5 contains a new online help system that integrates all manuals for the entire PV-WAVE family to make searching for functions much faster. "With this version of PV-WAVE, we're helping businesses at every technical level to use sophisticated visualization and analysis tools to obtain even faster, more accurate data analysis results," said Phil Fraher, president and CEO of Visual Numerics. "This is extremely important as more organizations are finding themselves in situations where they have to perform complex analysis of high volume, multivariate data sets in order to understand their data and make informed decisions. Going forward, we remain committed to providing our customers with advanced visual data analysis capabilities for engineering, research and business applications."