International Linear Collider Launches Web Site and Online Publication

The Global Design Effort for the International Linear Collider announces the launch of the Web site, and ILC NewsLine, a weekly publication reporting news and information from around the world about the next-generation particle accelerator. ILC NewsLine is an e-newsletter written for the global particle physics community and non-scientists, and is available online and emailed free to subscribers. The newsletter includes news about the latest ILC developments, reports from conferences and workshops worldwide, statements from the Global Design Effort Director and Regional Directors and profiles about the international scientists and engineers collaborating to design a future particle accelerator. The Web site includes ILC news, a calendar of upcoming events, announcements and technical and scientific documents. "Due to the international nature and sheer magnitude of the next generation of particle accelerators, excellent global communication tools are a necessity," said physicist Barry Barish, Director of the Global Design Effort (GDE) for the ILC. "I am pleased to announce the launch of the ILC Web site and ILC NewsLine, which is now the main communication tool for the global ILC community. The idea is for the Web site to be one stop shopping for information about the ILC. We welcome suggestions as to how to make our Web site and newsletter most useful." ILC NewsLine is jointly written and produced by the GDE Communicators in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The GDE Communicators publish ILC NewsLine on behalf of the global ILC community, and welcome submissions and ideas for newsletter content. Receive a weekly update on all world developments in the design and implementation of the International Linear Collider by subscribing to ILC NewsLine at its Web site.