Neterion Publishes White Paper Demonstrating the Benefits of 10 Gigabit Ethernet

Today, Neterion announced the release of a case study that answers one of the main questions the company is receiving from IT managers contacted in its "Test Drive 10 Gigabit Ethernet" Evaluation Program. What is the more cost effective solution -- aggregate 1 GbE links or upgrade to 10 GbE? "Neterion sales engineers who are receiving customer feedback in our Test Drive Program report that many data center managers are seeking specific numbers on the benefits of trunking 1 GbE links versus upgrading to 10 GbE," said Dave Zabrowski, President & CEO of Neterion. "The case study we are releasing provides complete detail on the upgrade process along with a thorough cost analysis." In order to provide data that directly addresses the concerns of IT management, Neterion worked with the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) to evaluate the overall system cost, performance, power, and management trade offs involved with several approaches to upgrading the center's data networking infrastructure. The case study describes the real-world migration to 10 Gigabit Ethernet by SDSC and details the process that was undertaken. This study concluded that 10 Gigabit Ethernet allowed cutting the cost by a factor of 6 compared to upgrading the system with a 1 Gigabit trunked solution, while more than doubling the resulting bandwidth. A white paper detailing this migration can be found at its Web site.