Mars Rover Goes Its Own Way

The Mars rover Opportunity reached the rim of a small crater called Vostok, early on Wednesday morning, having completed a series of record-breaking autonomous drives over the last month. Of the 3400-plus metres it has covered since landing in January 2004, it "sprinted" across more than 1000 m in the last month alone. For the engineering team, the most significant part of this speedy trek was a three sol - Martian day - drive by the rover under its own control, using newly-upgraded mobility software which improves its ability to make autonomous decisions when navigating around obstacles. The rover drove for 390 metres, of which only the first 105 m were pre-planned. The rest of the journey - averaging almost 100 m per sol - were controlled by the rover's newly upgraded brain, allowing it to pick its own path around the obstacles it encountered. Risk tracking Rover driver Frank Hartman of NASA's JPL told New Scientist that there had been some concerns about the long autonomous drive, because the terrain at Meridiani is so featureless that there is "not that much texture" for the video system to track as it tries to match the left and right views to create a 3D map of the terrain. But after combing through the data from the drive, Hartman says the team can clearly see places where the rover skirted around small, harmless depressions, showing that it was able to track potential risks perfectly well. "We were very pleased," he says. "This gives us more confidence going forward." Autonomous navigation is an extremely data-intensive operation, requiring the collection of 15 to 25 megabytes of data per hour as the rover collects and analyses images of the terrain. This intensive computation virtually filled the onboard "flash" memory, which early in the mission had been the cause of a mysterious malfunction of Spirit that disabled it for almost two weeks. Since then, engineers have reprogrammed both rovers to prevent a recurrence of that problem.